Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ex-Credit Suisse trader arrested in subprime case

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A former senior Credit Suisse Group AG trader was arrested in London on Wednesday and faces extradition to the United States on fraud charges involving subprime mortgage bonds worth $3 billion.

The arrest of Kareem Serageldin, former global head of structure credit trading for Credit Suisse, marks an apparent victory for U.S. prosecutors, who earlier this year won convictions against two of the his former colleagues.

U.S. prosecutors have been waiting for nearly eight months for Serageldin, 39, to return to the country to face charges.

A spokesman for London's Metropolitan Police said extradition proceedings will commence on Thursday.

A spokeswoman for Serageldin's lawyer, Sean Casey of Kobre & Kim in New York, declined to comment.

Prosecutors said Serageldin was the most senior banker charged in a scandal dating back to 2007, in which mortgage-backed securities traders were caught trying to cover up $540 million in losses on their books.

Two other employees pleaded guilty in U.S. federal court in February to criminal charges of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and falsify books and records, making it the first successful U.S. prosecution of employees of a major bank involved in the subprime meltdown of 2007-08.

In pleading guilty, David Higgs, who cooperated with investigators, admitted in court that he had "manipulated and inflated" values he reported for a battered portfolio of mortgage bonds. He said he acted at the instruction of his former boss to hide losses and meet profit targets. Meeting the targets was essential to the team's bonuses.

U.S. prosecutors charged Serageldin at the same time as the other two traders. Serageldin was charged with the same conspiracy counts, as well as additional charges of falsifying books and records and wire fraud.

He, however, remained in London after the charges were filed.

There are no other arrests expected in the case.

(Reporting By Emily Flitter and David Henry; Additional reporting by Michael Holden in London; Editing by Peter Cooney and David Gregorio)


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Ecommerce Applications ? the Force Behind Every Secure ...

Article by Arun Kumar

Ecommerce is the new way of shopping or doing businesses online. It?s a platform that?s no less than a boon to the entire business fraternity. The key here is that everything is performed over the web, that too, in real time. If you want a product instantly and you just don?t want to go to the city outlets all yourself, then, you can easily log onto an ecommerce portal dealing in such stuffs and pick that from the arranged categories at just fingertips. Ecommerce web solution processes are so intelligently conceived, developed and implemented in the backend systems of these sites that you need not worry an inch about the safety of your online transactions. Payment gateway processes are authenticated thoroughly and then only they are executed. So, you don?t need to hesitate an inch to use your credit cards while buying or availing something from an established name which is into ecommerce.

Ecommerce is relatively a new concept and it?s still in its growing state. Many people still use the web only for information access. For these people it can be said that they can now rely on the reputed ecommerce portals which have been doing it great for years now. If you are one of those for whom time matter a lot, then relying on the services offered by an ecommerce portal is the wisest decision you can ever make. Ecommerce software development agencies have been constantly updating their development processes to meet the growing and changing demands of the ecommerce business makers. Ecommerce is not just about buying or shopping online. It?s also about making online payments for utility bills, availing services, booking railway and airlines tickets and so on.

With ecommerce professionals finding new business grounds relentlessly, it?s just a matter of ultimate comfort at your end today. You just click on your mouse and your products sail to you in least possible time. Thanks to the ecommerce website and software development agencies which have made it a completely customer-oriented endeavor. Custom is the king for ecommerce activities now. Therefore, ecommerce software builders have now released so many customer-friendly applications of the likes of ecommerce shopping cart solution and so on.

About the Author

This article is written by a technical writer, working at SynapseIndia, an Ecommerce web solution company in India. We provide the complete service of Ecommerce software development and Ecommerce shopping cart solution to worldwide clients.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

In this 45 minute webinar, SEM director David Jaeger and Adam de Jong discuss the benefits of an eCommerce campaign and how you can use this marketing strategy to maximize your profits in 2012.


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Scientists make old muscles young again in attempt to combat aging

ScienceDaily (Sep. 26, 2012) ? An international team of scientists have identified for the first time a key factor responsible for declining muscle repair during aging, and discovered how to halt the process in mice with a common drug. Although an early study, the findings provide clues as to how muscles lose mass with age, which can result in weakness that affects mobility and may cause falls.

The study, to be published in the journal Nature, involved researchers from King's College London, Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital.

The study looked at stem cells found inside muscle -- which are responsible for repairing injury -- to find out why the ability of muscles to regenerate declines with age. A dormant reservoir of stem cells is present inside every muscle, ready to be activated by exercise and injury to repair any damage. When needed, these cells divide into hundreds of new muscle fibres that repair the muscle. At the end of the repairing process some of these cells also replenish the pool of dormant stem cells so that the muscle retains the ability to repair itself again and again.

The researchers carried out a study on old mice and found the number of dormant stem cells present in the pool reduces with age, which could explain the decline in the muscle's ability to repair and regenerate as it gets older. When these old muscles were screened the team found high levels of FGF2, a protein that has the ability to stimulate cells to divide. While encouraging stem cells to divide and repair muscle is a normal and crucial process, they found that FGF2 could also awaken the dormant pool of stem cells even when they were not needed. The continued activation of dormant stem cells meant the pool was depleted over time, so when the muscle really needed stem cells to repair itself the muscle was unable to respond properly.

Following this finding, the researchers attempted to inhibit FGF2 in old muscles to prevent the stem cell pool from being kick-started into action unnecessarily. By administering a common FGF2 inhibitor drug they were able to inhibit the decline in the number of muscle stem cells in the mice.

Dr Albert Basson, Senior Lecturer at the King's College London Dental Institute, said: 'Preventing or reversing muscle wasting in old age in humans is still a way off, but this study has for the first time revealed a process which could be responsible for age-related muscle wasting, which is extremely exciting.

'The finding opens up the possibility that one day we could develop treatments to make old muscles young again. If we could do this, we may be able to enable people to live more mobile, independent lives as they age.'

Dr Andrew Brack, senior and corresponding author of the study from Harvard University, said: 'Analogous to the importance of recovery for athletes training for a sporting event, we now know that it is essential for adult stem cells to rest between bouts of expenditure. Preventing stem cell recuperation leads to their eventual demise.'

Kieran Jones, co-author of the study from King's, added: 'We do not yet know how or why levels of the protein FGF2 increase with age, triggering stem cells to be activated when they are not needed. This is something that needs to be explored.

'The next step is to analyse old muscle in humans to see if the same mechanism could be responsible for stem cell depletion in human muscle fibres, leading to loss of mass and wastage.'

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by King's College London, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Joe V. Chakkalakal, Kieran M. Jones, M. Albert Basson, Andrew S. Brack. The aged niche disrupts muscle stem cell quiescence. Nature, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nature11438

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Video: The power of Bill Clinton

Take in a new view of the nation's capital

Every year, millions of visitors to Washington, D.C., gaze up at memorials to presidents, veterans and civic leaders. Each monument seems to stand alone, an idea cast in granite or marble and somehow separate from the world around it. The American Society of Landscape Architects would beg to differ.


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Friday, September 14, 2012

Arab Winter? Unrest sparks debate on US policy

(AP) ? Has the Arab Winter arrived?

It's a question analysts in Washington are asking as anti-American demonstrations spread across North Africa and the Middle East to protest a video ridiculing Islam.

Those skeptical of promoting democracy in Muslim countries or who've feared a rapid decline in American influence may see their suspicions validated. Even among those who've championed the end of autocracies, the level of rage wrought by an anti-Islam film has been ominous.

U.S. embassies and consulates were breached this week in Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Tunisia ? the same four countries to rid themselves of decades-long dictatorships last year. In Libya, the only place the U.S. used its military to ensure regime change, the violence was worst. There, Ambassador Chris Stevens and three colleagues were killed.

Associated Press


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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Watch Apple's iPhone 5 Keynote Right Now [Iphone 5]

If you want to re-live the iPhone 5 announcement and/or measure the total amount of time Tim Cook took a breath during the keynote, Apple just released the entire iPhone 5 announcement on its website. Watch it here and vote for who dressed best among Cook, Phil, Forstall and crew below. [Apple] More »


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Apple's Passbook aims to replace your tickets


2 hrs.

back of a white iPhone 5

While the iPhone 5 rumors were popping, I couldn't help think this was just some kind of stretched out iPhone 4S. During the keynote present... Read more

8 hrs.

Apple has officially announced Passbook, a new feature of its iOS mobile platform that collects things like coupons and boarding passes into an easy-to-use interface on your phone or iPod.

The app aims to replace pretty much every paper ticket or plastic gift card that might otherwise be?clogging up a user's wallet. They have partnerships already with?a number of airlines, retailers, and venues; more are surely forthcoming, but may have initially balked at Apple's cut of the bargain.

Your iPhone will keep all your cards in the app for access whenever you need them (for instance, paying for a cup of coffee), but will also prompt you with them if they're time-sensitive?? your boarding pass will appear when you're arriving at the airport and even help you find your way to your gate.

The feature was first announced at Apple's World Wide Developer Conference in June, but iOS 6, of which it is a part, has been in beta since then and only available to software?developers. Apple's event Wednesday marked its official debut.

Passbook will roll out with the iOS 6 update?on September 19th (see if your devices are compatible here), and will also ship with the iPhone 5 on the 21st.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is?


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Jelly Bean rolling out for Canadian Galaxy Nexus phones


If you're a customer at one of the Canadian big carriers with a Samsung Galaxy Nexus, there's a good chance you have a Jelly Bean update headed your way this evening. We're seeing reports from users at TELUS, Wind, Fido, Rogers and Virgin that the Android 4.1.1 update is rolling out en masse, bringing all the great features you've been waiting for.

Ideally you would be notified when it's time for your update, but it's easy enough to check yourself. Open the settings, go into "About phone", tap Software updates and check. The OTA won't wipe out any of your data, and only takes a few minutes to install.

Seeing your update, or already had it? Shout out in the comments, or hit the forums where Android fans love to talk Jelly Bean. 

Thanks, everyone!


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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Nutritional Health Supplements ? How I Was Wrong About Them


Image by Susan von Struensee
Word Clouds on Food Safety and Nutrition using Tagxedo by Susan von Struensee

Nutritional Health Supplements ? How I Was Wrong About Them

It was my opinion that everybody gets enough nutrients in their diets and that nutritional health supplements were a waste of money. Having played competitive sports for many years, my belief was that women?s or men?s health supplements are only for athletes or body builders. I was wrong! The health benefits of supplements are for everybody and anybody who lead busy, stressful lives. Physically active or inactive, healthy or unhealthy we can all benefit from an herbal nutritional supplement or natural vitamin supplements. I learned this the hard way through personal experience.

I had not realized that proper nutrition can be difficult to achieve for many people. Healthy living is difficult when most people do not get enough nutrients in their diet. For example, many cannot get the recommended daily allowance of fruit and vegetables each day. Forgetting nutritional supplementation is no longer an option if we want total nutrition. Unfortunately, the problem is bigger than I thought when you consider all the factors that come into play;

Many fresh foods are no longer meeting their optimal nutritional potential. In many cases they are grown in soil that has been farmed excessively and are picked before their prime so they do not over ripen during transportation to market.

Vitamins and minerals may be lost during storage, preparation and cooking.

The purchasing and eating of less nutritious processed foods is common for many who do not have to shop and prepare meals from ?scratch?.

During the busy week when we do cook, our meals may not be varied enough to offer a variety of nutrients.

We may not change our diet when we need to with age. As we age we need different nutritional supplementation as we digest and absorb certain vitamins and minerals differently.

Some nutrients are simply hard to obtain. For example, the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) available in Salmon oil capsules.

In general, there is a lack of education on nutritional health supplements, healthy food options and cooking.
In my particular case my wife was more at risk. Although, we did eat healthy meals we were not aware of the health benefits of supplements. Unfortunately, we were also dealing with a lot of stress at the time. Stress plays a large role in what nutrients you are using and absorbing in addition to the fact that the ?knot-in-her stomach? was inhibiting her appetite. Many women are more in need of herbal nutritional supplements or natural vitamin supplements simply because they consume fewer calories than men.

As a result this lead to higher levels of stress and fatigue. Weak, she was prone to illness and mood swings. Hair loss, poor skin complexion and digestive system problems followed. It was a vicious circle leading to more stress and fatigue. It took a this extreme situation for us to realize the need for supplements for general health. A necessary solution for many to meet their daily nutritional needs is simply nutritional supplements whether its women?s health supplements or multi-vitamins, herbal nutritional supplements or natural vitamin supplements. The benefits are obvious;

Improved energy

Reduced frequency of mood swings

Less prone to fatigue and depression

More resilient to stress and illness.

Better overall health as we feel better mentally and physically.

Based upon my wife?s fatigue and illness, we had waited too long and she was in need of a nutritionist. In addition to joining a gym (which helped her appetite) my wife was recommended to take a few key women?s health supplements;

Salmon oil capsules because of the benefits of the Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. General good health, improves brain function even reduces the symptoms of PMS. It has also been shown to help anger, depression and stress.

A digestive health supplement; as we age and enter different stages of life our nutritional needs also change. Digestive health supplements may be required as our ability to digest certain foods changes with age. Some vitamins and minerals may be consumed very quickly others may not be absorbed into the body as readily. Lactose and gluten (found in wheat products) may be more difficult for our body to process as we age.

Multi-vitamins or a targeted multi-nutritional kit to promote general health with women?s specific needs in mind.

All these nutritional supplements were easy to find and even available on-line which works well with her busy schedule.

My wife?s situation was an excellent example of how women are susceptible to the effects of poor nutrition. She has demonstrated the benefits of total nutrition via nutritional supplements and a healthy diet. Today, she is healthy and living a physically active lifestyle. I am grateful that she is such a wonderful role model to our daughters and others who may also be in need of nutritional health supplements and a better, balanced life.

For more information on nutritional supplements, general nutrition, physical activity and stress management please visit



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Friday, September 7, 2012

Isaac's waves uncover leaked BP oil

By The Associated Press

Waves from Hurricane Isaac uncovered oil previously buried along Gulf Coast beaches, exposing crude that wasn't cleaned up after the BP leak in 2010.

Since Isaac made landfall more than a week ago, the water has receded and tar balls and oil have been reported on shores in Alabama and Louisiana, where officials closed a 13-mile stretch of beach Tuesday.

BP said Wednesday some of that oil was from the leak, but said some of the crude may be from other sources, too.

"If there's something good about this storm it made it visible where we can clean it up," BP spokesman Ray Melick said.

BP still has hundreds of cleanup workers on the Gulf Coast after the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded, killing 11 and leading to the nation's largest offshore spill.

Melick said the company was working with the Coast Guard, state officials and land managers to clean up the oil on the Fourchon beach in Louisiana. He said crews would be there today.

Isaac made landfall near Fourchon on Aug. 28 as a Category 1 storm, pummeling the coast with waves, wind and rain. Seven people were killed in Louisiana and Mississippi.

Ed Overton, a chemist and oil spill expert at Louisiana State University, said the exposed oil was weathered and less toxic, although it could still harm animals such as crabs, crawfish and bait fish. He said the storm helped speed up natural processes that break down oil and it might take several more storms to stir up the rest of the oil buried along the coast.

"We don't like to say it, but hurricanes are Mother Nature's way of taking a bath," he said.


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Krusell Avenyn 3XL Mobile Pocket Pouch for HTC EVO 4G LTE, One X / Motorola Droid RAZR MAXX / Samsung Galaxy S3

Krusell Avenyn 3XL Mobile Pocket Pouch for HTC EVO 4G LTE, One X / Motorola Droid RAZR MAXX / Samsung Galaxy S3 - Android Pocket Pouches - Everything Android Accessory Store

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Shipping30 Day Money-BackAndroid Krusell Avenyn 3XL Mobile Pocket PouchKrusell Avenyn 3XL Mobile Pocket Pouch (White)Krusell Avenyn 3XL Mobile Pocket Pouch (Pink)

Click to Enlarge

Krusell Avenyn 3XL Mobile Pocket Pouch
Krusell Avenyn 3XL Mobile Pocket Pouch
Krusell Avenyn 3XL Mobile Pocket Pouch
Krusell Avenyn 3XL Mobile Pocket Pouch
Krusell Avenyn 3XL Mobile Pocket Pouch
Krusell Avenyn 3XL Mobile Pocket Pouch

Product Description

The Avenyn 3XL Mobile Pocket Pouch is a diamond quilted faux leather case for mobile phones with 4.3 / 4.8 inch screen (measured diagonally).

The interior of the case features a soft padding that will keep the front and back of your device safe from scratches. The front of the case features a metal Krusell logo.


  • Diamond qualited texture
  • Fit phones withth 4.3 / 4.8 inch screen
  • Inner dimensions: 133 x 71 x 10 mm
  • Soft interior padding

Please Note: Product images, including color, may differ from actual product appearance.

Works with: HTC EVO 4G LTE, One X / Motorola Droid RAZR MAXX / Samsung Galaxy S3


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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Freakonomics ? Announcing a New (Online Economics) University

Wowie kazowie! The Marginal Revolution blog, whose excellence is routinely noted on this blog, is launching a free, online Marginal Revolution University (MRU). From the announcement:

We think education should be better, cheaper, and easier to access.? So we decided to take matters into our own hands and create a new online education platform toward those ends. We have decided to do more to communicate our personal vision of economics to you and to the broader world. ?

Here are a few of the principles behind MR University:

1. The product is free (like this blog), and we offer more material in less time.

2. Most of our videos are short, so you can view and listen between tasks, rather than needing to schedule time for them.? The average video is five minutes, twenty-eight seconds long.? When needed, more videos are used to explain complex topics.

3. No talking heads and no long, boring lectures.? We have tried to reconceptualize every aspect of the educational experience to be friendly to the on-line world.

4. It is low bandwidth and mobile-friendly.? No ads.

5. We offer tests and quizzes.



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Is Windows 8 phone confusion good for Microsoft?

In the run-up to Nokia's Windows Phone 8 announcements, much of the mainstream media talked about prospects for the new devices ? calling them not Windows Phone 8 but Windows 8. Is that a confusion that does more good or harm?

Nokia Lumia 920
A Windows Phone or a Windows phone? The Nokia Lumia 820. Image credit: Sarah Tew/CNET News

Windows Phone 8 has the Windows 8 kernel and some of the programming interfaces, which is why Steve Ballmer said at the Nokia 920 launch that "we bring a developer platform and the Store in a common way to Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8".

The change gives Windows Phone 8 more power under the hood, and the kernel should make developing drivers for new hardware faster, cheaper and more reliable.

They both have a tile-based Start screen, with notifications "front and centre", as Ballmer put it. Hardware acceleration of HTML5 in IE10 is just as useful on the phone as on the PC and well-written sites will automatically scale to fit the phone screen with a great layout ? like the new HTML5 Pulse news site.

What Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 have in common

And Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 ? and Xbox ? share more than an interface Microsoft used to call Metro, although familiarity with the Start screen on Windows Phone makes Windows 8 easier to use, and vice versa.

They also share services. Achievements in Xbox games are the obvious one. There's something addictive about seeing your Minesweeper score from your Windows 8 PC on your phone and getting your perfect FreeCell record from your PC on a new phone gives you that nice warm feeling that's one of the really appealing features in Windows Phone.

As Microsoft is likely to put it, Windows 8 and Windows Phone are better together

It's not just games. The way Microsoft is pushing using a Microsoft account to sign into Windows 8 means you get SkyDrive integration for pictures and documents and OneNote notebooks. Notes you write on a Windows 8 tablet will be on your phone when you need them.

The photos you take on a Windows Phone 8 handset automatically upload, in full resolution rather than as half-size images, to SkyDrive so they appear straight away in the Photos app on Windows 8. Your Bing search history on Windows 8 could make the search results on a Windows Phone 8 handset more relevant.

As Microsoft is likely to put it, Windows 8 and Windows Phone are better together, and getting you to think about a Windows phone rather than a Windows Phone could be the marketing leverage Microsoft needs to start selling more devices, which is about the only thing Windows Phone hasn't been good at so far.

Like your Windows 8 system? Like your Xbox? It'll make you more interested in checking out a Windows Phone, hopes Microsoft.

Related but different operating systems

But while Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 are related products, they're not the same. That's a good thing. Having Windows on a 12-inch touchscreen is usable, but the familiar Windows interface on a five-inch screen would be a problem. The repeated failure of companies such as OQO proved that. Windows Phone has been an excellent touch interface all along and fits the small screen perfectly.

The real relationship between Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 is an advantage for Microsoft that might be confusing to explain to a mainstream audience.

Is suggesting that they're the same thing a potential disadvantage? Will it make people expect a complex interface and blue screens on their phones, even though blue screens are rare on Windows these days and almost always mean you have a hardware fault? Or will the associations of Windows 8 have the same halo effect as Mac OS and iOS, which used to be routinely touted as pretty much the same thing despite the massive differences?

Is talking about Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 as if they're the same thing careless, or just what Microsoft would like us to think? Probably it's both.


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Virginia Tech edges Georgia Tech in OT

Virginia Tech place kicker Cody Journell (89) celebrates with Trey Gresh (12) and George George (48) after making a 17-yard field goal in overtime to win an NCAA college football game against Georgia Tech, Monday, Sept. 3, 2012 in Blacksburg, Va. Virginia Tech won 20-17. (AP Photo/Don Petersen)

Virginia Tech place kicker Cody Journell (89) celebrates with Trey Gresh (12) and George George (48) after making a 17-yard field goal in overtime to win an NCAA college football game against Georgia Tech, Monday, Sept. 3, 2012 in Blacksburg, Va. Virginia Tech won 20-17. (AP Photo/Don Petersen)

Georgia Tech quarterback Tevin Washington dives on the ball to regain possession while under pressure from Virginia Tech outside linebacker Jeron Gouveia-Winslow and defensive end J.R. Collins (42) during the first half of an NCAA college football game, Monday, Sept. 3, 2012, in Blacksburg, Va. (AP Photo/Don Petersen)

Virginia Tech defenders take down Georgia Tech quarterback Tevin Washington (13) during their NCAA college football game, Monday, Sept. 3, 2012, in Blacksburg, Va. (AP Photo/Don Petersen)

Georgia Tech's Robert Godhigh scores a touchdown against Virginia Tech during the first half of an NCAA college football game, Monday, Sept. 3, 2012, in Blacksburg, Va. (AP Photo/Don Petersen)

Virginia Tech's Eric Martin (86) hauls in a touchdown catch against Georgia Tech during the first half of an NCAA college football game, Monday, Sept. 3, 2012, in Blacksburg, Va. (AP Photo/Don Petersen)

(AP) ? Frank Beamer is fond of apologizing for not remembering something from the past by saying, "that was a lot of fourth quarters ago."

He hasn't had many like the one No. 16 Virginia Tech put him through Monday night before beating Georgia Tech 20-17 in overtime.

Cody Journell kicked a 41-yard field goal as time expired to force overtime, then made a 17-yard field goal in the extra period for the victory. The Hokies' defense set up the victory by nearly burying Georgia Tech quarterback Tevin Washington under a pass rush that caused him to try to throw the ball away, and he did ? right to Hokies cornerback Kyle Fuller.

Even for September, and a season opener, the game could have huge implications in the Atlantic Coast Conference's Coastal Division.

In the seven years the ACC has held a championship game, only the Hokies (five times) and Yellow Jackets have ever represented the division. The victory, because of tiebreakers, essentially gives Virginia Tech a two-game lead over the Yellow Jackets, though Beamer knows, it's still early. Very early.

"I think you've got an advantage," he said. "I don't think there's any question about that. A big advantage, but there's a lot of football to be played."

And, he hopes, a lot of it better football, especially by his offense.

The Hokies scored on their second series and seemed to be moving the ball with ease. Then they stalled on series after series until midway through the fourth quarter. They mustered only 326 yards of offense, severely taxing a defense that allowed just 288 to the Yellow Jackets' vaunted triple option.

But there were good signs, too, starting with the comeback, and the ability of Journell to shake off an earlier miss from 38 yards and make the big kicks.

"I really just try to clear my head of everything whenever I'm out on the field," Journell said. "I just tried to let everything go and do what I needed to do."

In the process, he prevented the Hokies from another crushing early season loss. They lost to East Carolina in their 2008 opener, Alabama in 2009 and Boise State in 2010, and in a season where some view them as national championship contenders, they couldn't afford to start with a loss to an ACC division foe.

It seemed fitting to Beamer that Journell came through. Last season, he missed the Sugar Bowl while serving a suspension for his arrest on felony breaking and entering charges. He later pleaded guilty to misdemeanor trespassing, and was reinstated under conditions set by athletic director Jim Weaver.

"Cody made a big mistake and I thought he paid a tremendous price," Beamer said. "But I think he knows that this is his family and we're all pulling for him."

Georgia Tech got the ball first in overtime, but Fuller was on the receiving end when Washington tried to throw the ball away.

"We kind of gift-wrapped it for them in overtime," Yellow Jackets coach Paul Johnson said.

Until then, Washington's 10-yard scoring pass to Deon Hill with 44 seconds left in regulation had given the Yellow Jackets a 17-14 lead, capping a drive in which the quarterback known for his feet had shown his arm is pretty clutch, too. Four plays before the touchdown, Washington was flushed from the pocket on a fourth-and-6 play from the Hokies 37, and after eluding a pass rusher, he found B.J. Bostic with three defenders around him for a 19-yard gain on the right sideline to keep the drive alive.

"He made some great plays on the last drive in regulation," Johnson, who is 1-4 against the Hokies, said of his QB.

Then it was Logan Thomas' turn, and he drove the Hokies to the 24 for Journell's 41-yarder.

After Washington's turnover, the only one in the game, the Hokies got runs of 6 and 18 yards from Michael Holmes on the first two plays to set up the winner.

"I thought we hung in there great," Beamer said. "Those guys know what they're doing. They're tough all game. It's a right-at-you ballgame."

The Hokies had gone ahead 14-10 on Thomas' 42-yard scoring pass to Demitri Knowles with 7:46 to play.

Georgia Tech used a timeout to try to ice Journell before the tying kick, but his kick sailed through the uprights to tie it at 17.

Fans, most of whom came clad in orange, didn't wait for the officials to signal the kick good, instead taking their cues from the reactions of those with a better view and were already celebrating having scored more points in the last 7:46 than the first 52:14.

Before the offensive flurry in the fourth quarter, the game was a punting contest that turned on a punt that went awry.

Georgia Tech had managed just two first downs when Hokies freshman punter A.J. Hughes set them up with a mistake.

Dropped back in punt formation near midfield, he let a snap go through his hands and scrambled to fall on it for a 22-yard loss. That put the Yellow Jackets at the Hokies 24, and three runs tied it. On the 12-yard touchdown, Robert Godhigh went wide around the left side, dodged defenders, broke several tackles and scored easily, making it 7-7.

The mistake seemed to knock the Hokies off their stride, and neither team threatened the rest of the half.

The Yellow Jackets finally started moving the ball and went ahead 10-7 on a 34-yard field goal by David Scully to start the fourth quarter. The score came after a 15-play, 56-yard drive that not only took 7:18 off the clock, but included three short third-down conversions and left the Hokies defenders looking worn down in the humidity.

After falling behind, Thomas and the offense finally gave the defense a break, driving from their 23 to the Yellow Jackets 21 in 11 plays, but Journell missed the attempt.

The rested Hokies didn't let it keep them down long, holding the Yellow Jackets and forcing a punt.

This time, Thomas hit Marcus Davis for 35 yards on second down, and when Davis fumbled the ball at the end of the run, Corey Fuller recovered at the Yellow Jackets 42.

On the next play, Thomas hit speedy wide receiver Demitri Knowles for the touchdown in the right corner, his first career reception.

Knowles beat Rod Sweeting, who also was called for pass interference on the play.

The Hokies had the upper hand early, moving the ball and stopping the Yellow Jackets on three plays on their first series.

Thomas did the bulk of the work for the Hokies, running 4 yards for a first down on a third-and-2 play, and hitting Corey Fuller for 12 yards on third-and-11 from the Georgia Tech 34. After two runs by Holmes for 17 yards, Thomas floated a touch pass over the Yellow Jackets defense to Eric Martin for a touchdown and a 7-0 lead.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

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Video: New Book Explores The Choice to 'Be Right or Be Married ...

Dana Adam Shapiro, an Oscar-nominated documentarian, author of ?The Every Boy? and ironically unmarried, released his latest piece, You Can Be Right (or You Can Be Married) this Tuesday, Sept. 4. The book includes interviews and stories from those of failed relationships and explores the reasons behind divorce. This week, Shapiro spoke alongside therapist Argie Allen on the TODAY Show about learning from the mistakes of divorced couples and what it takes to make a modern day marriage work.

The title, Shapiro explained, came from someone he interviewed who?s grandmother spoke of fighting productively and being fair when arguing in a relationship. He believes that people who cheat are often unhappy at home, but it?s an individual?s responsibility to let their partner know how and why they?re not happy. Allen adds that many couples ?fail to protect quality time? and get so caught up in life that they lose connection with each other.

?I think the key to any relationship is really taking responsibility. If you?re unhappy really expressing that and saying I?m unhappy because of X, Y, or Z and let?s try to work on it,? Shapiro says. ?A lot of times people are seeking validation elsewhere because they feel unloved, unseen, unsexy and they become very vulnerable to the attention of other people. I do think a lot of times they are unhappy at home.?

You Can Be Right (or You Can Be Married) is available for purchase on Amazon as well as from Barnes & Noble. Read an excerpt from his book on the TODAY Show website.

BMWK? In your experience what have you found to be a source or cause of divorce? What obstacles have you overcome in your own marriage to prevent divorce from occurring?

About the author

Stacie Bailey is a student at Quinnipiac University pursuing her master?s degree in Interactive Communications. She has strong interests in relationships, health, social media and an overall love for sharing knowledge and information.



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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

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NJ man arrested in deadly attack on sleeping kids

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) ? A man high on PCP-laced marijuana stabbed two neighborhood children in their home while they slept, killing a 6-year-old boy and critically wounding his 12-year-old sister, authorities said.

Osvaldo Rivera was found hiding between a mattress and a bedroom wall Sunday afternoon inside a Camden apartment and was charged Monday with murder and attempted murder, said Jason Laughlin, a spokesman for the Camden County prosecutor's office.

The attack was the second recent one in Camden, an impoverished city across the river from Philadelphia, involving a child and a suspect said to be high on PCP and marijuana.

Rivera, 31, was being held in jail awaiting arraignment, which Laughlin said will likely be held Tuesday. Laughlin didn't know if Rivera had an attorney.

Police found blood-stained sneakers inside the apartment where Rivera was arrested that matched bloody footprints in the home where Dominick Andujor was stabbed to death, Laughlin said. The boy's 12-year-old sister had her throat slit while she slept in the same room. She remained hospitalized Monday at Cooper University Hospital in Camden. The hospital, though, has declined to discuss her condition, citing privacy reasons.

While being questioned by investigators, Rivera said he had smoked a combination of marijuana and the hallucinogenic drug PCP before the attack, Laughlin said.

On Aug. 22, 33-year-old Chevonne Thomas of Camden allegedly decapitated her 2-year-old toddler and then fatally stabbed herself after smoking a similar combination, known as "wet."

Laughlin said there have been several other murders in recent years in which PCP-laced marijuana has apparently played a role. He said the drug combination makes people incoherent, hallucinatory and, in some cases, violent, adding that authorities plan to take steps to curb the drug's market.

The children stabbed Sunday were being watched by a 14-year-old girl, authorities said. The teen, who was unharmed, was caring for them because their mother recently underwent surgery and was still in the hospital.

Laughlin said the 12-year-old, whose name wasn't released, fled the home after the attack and was found at a neighbor's home a few doors down. Police soon went to the girl's home and were met by another child who ran outside, screaming for help for her brother. The 6-year-old boy was found lying on the floor.

While Rivera was still being sought on Sunday, a woman who lives nearby said he was well-known around the neighborhood and seemed to be a peaceful person. He also was often seen playing with the local children.

"People would never think he would do something like this," Nakyta McCray said.


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