Thursday, August 18, 2011

Articles 20VN | Forget About Dieting - Try Wellness Coaching ...

Unlike exercise gyms or Weight Watchers which motivate and encourage you to change only a single unhealthy habit or lifestyle, wellness coaching helps and supports you in putting all the pieces together: the nutritional, health, fitness, stress and weight management aspects altogether for a vision of overall wellness. Borrowing from executive coaching models of change and hand in hand with psychology, wellness coaching is booming as a whole new approach to our long-term well being and good health. So before, do you spend a lot of energy, time and guilt thinking about food? Or do you feel disconnected and alienated from yourself, unsure, undecided and unhappy-why? And have you ever tried to lose weight in the past, just to throw the white flag after a few weeks, or even days-and why is that? Okay, so try to push the pause button on that self-defeating tape recorder playing in your mind and right now visualize a new and blissful life for yourself from now on.

In it, you're totally energized by your work, passionate, inspired and absolutely at peace with yourself and free from worries regarding your weight. Now, sit still with that scene for a moment. Looks and feels fantastic, huh? Wellness coaching is not merely for individual adults, yet also for teenagers, couples and even families in need of guidance on nutrition. Most clients usually say that time and again that they did not quite know what to expect, however, once they got started already, it all just made so much sense. And most of them normally consider wellness coaching to lose weight.

Wellness coaching also aids people in dealing and addressing relationship and career issues, get more sound sleep, manage stress better, start working out, quit smoking, re-connect with one's faith and even minimize clutter. Wellness programs generally run in 3-month duration and are comprised of a set of conversations on a weekly basis (most sessions are performed by telephone) between the coach and the client. Wellness coaching does not take a sudden approach to weight loss; your struggles are entirely different and distinct and so your solutions would be, too. Thus, the man-to-man individualized attention. Prospective clients are typically surprised whenever they hear what wellness coaches will not do: they would not force or compel you to exercise, plus they will not tell you to diet.

Wellness coaching is after all, is not just an ordinary weight loss program, and it is a well known fact that weight loss is not that simple and easy. But rather, your personal coach would-guide you and listen to you, to make a plan and create a vision, and take action every week toward building and developing better behaviors which would be realistic for you to continue on your own. Your wellness coach will point out your strengths and support you to accept yourself with goodness while also challenging you to get hold of the best life you deserve. They will not do the work for you, but they would be there each step of the way, ensuring your life's triumphs along the way.


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