Sunday, June 30, 2013

Woman Auctions Off Virginity to Pay For School


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Survival of the Galapagos sea lion

June 29, 2013 ? Immune systems of endangered Galapagos sea lions are in overdrive because of harmful activity by people, reveal scientists from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL).

The study shows that Galapagos sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki) are more prone to starvation because of exposure to human influences like pets and pollution. These can impair the level of their immunity, making them less able to hunt and more likely to go hungry when food is scarce.

This research is published June 28 in the journal PLOS ONE.

Conservationists spent more than eighteen months on the Islands of San Cristobal, which is inhabited by humans, and Santa Fe, where there are no humans, dogs, cats, mice or rats. They tagged 60 Galapagos sea lions from each island and monitored their behaviour and physiology.

ZSL's Institute of Zoology Director, Professor Tim Blackburn says: "We are increasingly aware of the threats of infectious diseases to wildlife around the world, from amphibians in the tropics to the birds in British gardens. It is worrying that we are now potentially seeing such threats to sea lions in the supposedly pristine wilderness of the Galapagos Islands."

ZSL's Dr. Paddy Brock, author on the paper, says: "A tell-tale sign of an unhealthy sea lion is a thinner than normal layer of blubber, which is what we saw in the sea lions on San Cristobal. This was all the more notable as we didn't notice these patterns in sea lions on Santa Fe, where they live without the presence of people or pets.

""The immune systems of San Cristobel sea lions were more active, perhaps indicating a threat of infectious disease, which could mean human activity is increasing the chance of potentially dangerous diseases emerging in the Galapagos sea lion," Dr Brock added.

Despite laws designed to protect the unique wildlife found on the Galapagos, pets are regularly imported to the islands, which increases the risk of new diseases arriving and spreading to local species. In addition, dumping of sewage into the bay on San Cristobal where the sea lions live may be increasing their exposure to germs and bacteria associated with humans.

ZSL, together with collaborators, will continue to address the threats faced by the Galapagos sea lion by carrying out further research into the methods driving the described patterns, such as the role that genetics plays in shaping them.


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2 WA refineries ready for N. Dakota oil

More Washington oil refineries are preparing to accept crude oil shipments from North Dakota.

Published: June 29, 2013 at 2:08 p.m. PDT Updated: June 29, 2013 at 2:08 p.m. PDT

More Washington oil refineries are preparing to accept crude oil shipments from North Dakota.

The Bellingham Herald reported that BP?s refinery at Cherry Point and the Phillips 66 refinery in Ferndale, both in the northwestern corner of the state, want to diversify their supply, with oil production in Alaska falling from historic levels.

The Tesoro refinery in Anacortes is already taking delivery of crude from North Dakota?s fracking boom, and the Shell refinery in Anacortes has announced plans to do so.

The BP refinery is building an almost 2-mile-long rail loop to handle the shipments, and Phillips 66 is planning its own rail terminal.

Phillips reported to Whatcom County that it expects to handle one oil train every two days, on average.


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Divorce early in childhood affects parental relationships in adulthood

June 29, 2013 ? Divorce has a bigger impact on child-parent relationships if it occurs in the first few years of the child's life, according to new research. Those who experience parental divorce early in their childhood tend to have more insecure relationships with their parents as adults than those who experience divorce later, researchers say.

"By studying variation in parental divorce, we are hoping to learn more about how early experiences predict the quality of people's close relationships later in life," says R. Chris Fraley of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Psychologists are especially interested in childhood experiences, as their impact can extend into adulthood, but studying such early experiences is challenging, as people's memories of particular events vary widely. Parental divorce is a good event to study, he says, as people can accurately report if and when their parents divorced, even if they do not have perfect recollection of the details.

In two studies published today in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Fraley and graduate student Marie Heffernan examined the timing and effects of divorce on both parental and romantic relationships, as well as differences in how divorce affects relationships with mothers versus fathers. In the first study, they analyzed data from 7,735 people who participated in a survey about personality and close relationships through More than one-third of the survey participants' parents divorced and the average age of divorce was about 9 years old.

The researchers found that individuals from divorced families were less likely to view their current relationships with their parents as secure. And people who experienced parental divorce between birth and 3 to 5 years of age were more insecure in their current relationships with their parents compared to those whose parents divorced later in childhood.

"A person who has a secure relationship with a parent is more likely than someone who is insecure to feel that they can trust the parent," Fraley says. "Such a person is more comfortable depending on the parent and is confident that the parent will be psychologically available when needed."

Although there was a tendency for people to experience more anxiety about romantic relationships if they were from divorced families, the link between parental divorce and insecurity in romantic relationships was relatively weak. This finding was important, the researchers say, as it shows that divorce does not have a blanket effect on all close relationships in adulthood but rather is selective -- affecting some relationships more than others. They also found that parental divorce tends to predict greater insecurity in people's relationships with their fathers than with their mothers.

To help explain why divorce influences maternal relationships more than paternal ones, and to replicate the first study's findings, Fraley and Heffernan repeated their analysis with a new set of 7,500 survey participants. Unlike in the first study, however, they asked the participants to indicate which of their parents had been awarded primary custody following their divorce. The researchers speculated that paternal relationships were more insecure following divorce because mothers are more likely than fathers to be awarded custody.

The majority of participants -- 74 percent -- indicated that they had lived with their mothers following divorce or separation, while 11 percent indicated living with their fathers; the remainder lived with grandparents or other caretakers. The researchers found that people were more likely to have an insecure relationship with their father if they lived with their mother and, conversely, were less likely to have an insecure relationship with their father if they lived with him. The results were similar with respect to mothers.

While it is premature to speculate on the implications of this work for decision-making regarding child custody, the work is valuable as it suggests that "something as basic as the amount of time that one spends with a parent or one's living arrangements" can shape the quality of child-parent relationships, write Fraley and Heffernan.

"People's relationships with their parents and romantic partners play important roles in their lives," Fraley says. "This research brings us one step closer to understanding why it is that some people have relatively secure relationships with close others whereas others have more difficulty opening up to and depending on important people in their lives."


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Facebook Announces New Review Policy To Prevent Ads From Running On Controversial Pages And Groups

facebook adsFacebook just announced a new review policy for Pages and Groups, a policy aimed at reducing cases where ads run alongside content that the advertiser or their customers might find objectionable. Earlier today, a BBC report stated that Marks and Spencer and BSkyB had pulled "all or part of their spending" on Facebook after a BSkyB ad (which was "promoting an M&S voucher") was shown alongside a Facebook Page that was titled "cute and gay boys" and included photos of teenage boys. The story said Facebook was going to make an announcement to address these types of concerns later today.


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Facebook Launches First Branded Stickers, Previewing A Potential Sponsorship Biz

Branded Stickers ImageOne day, brands might pay Facebook to become downloadable sticker packs. Facebook just launched its first branded sticker pack for messaging -- a collection based on the new Universal film Despicable Me 2. While the studio didn't have to pay to have them appear in the sticker store, and they're free for users, Facebook might eventually be able to charge brands for the viral exposure.


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Friday, June 28, 2013

At the Edge of the Solar System, Voyager 1 Finds a Mystery


In the 35 years since their launch, the two Voyagers have gone where no man or machine has gone before. They flew past Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, and now Voyager 1 is on course to become the first man-made object to leave our solar system and enter the interstellar medium?the space between stars. (In 2012, PopMech gave a Breakthrough Award to the Voyager team for pushing the frontiers of space exploration.)

This spring, several news organizations inaccurately reported that Voyager 1 had already left the heliosphere?the bubble of charged particles that encircles the sun and its planets. Voyager scientists quickly corrected the reports, stating that the spacecraft remained inside but had encountered some anomalies. Today, three papers published in (Science) provide a more thorough description of the nature of those anomalies. Voyager 1 is still within the solar system, they say, but it has discovered an unexpected layer in the boundary that separates our solar system from the interstellar medium.

"This is a totally new region, not a region predicted by any of our models," Edward Stone, project scientist on the Voyagers, said in a (Science) podcast.

Scientists determine just where Voyager 1 is by studying what kinds of particles strike the spacecraft. Inside the heliosheath, scientists expect Voyager 1 to be bombarded with lots of energetic particles erupting from the sun. The spacecraft should also be able to sense the direction and intensity of the sun's magnetic field. However, while the spacecraft is still inside the solar system, it shouldn't detect low-energy cosmic rays. These rays bounce around interstellar space but can't penetrate the heliosphere. Once beyond the heliosphere, the spacecraft would sense strong cosmic rays, but no particles, and the direction of the magnetic field would change.

On August 25, 2012, something dramatic happened: Voyager 1 stopped getting hit with particles and started detecting cosmic rays for the first time. But the magnetic field didn't change direction, which is what you'd expect if the spacecraft had left the solar system.

So Voyager 1 appears to be in a strange, unexpected region, and scientists aren't sure why such a strange place exists. But Stone gave one possible explanation: "It must be because somehow the solar magnetic field, which is in a huge spiral around the sun?because the sun rotates as the field is carried out, it wraps it into a huge spiral?that somehow the ends of that spiral have become connected, or at least accessible for particles inside to leave, and particles on the outside to enter. Sort of like a magnetic highway, with things inside streaming out, and particles outside streaming in."

Because it's still within the sun's magnetic field, Voyager 1 has not yet broken through into the interstellar medium. So how long until it finally does? Stone and his team just don't know how wide this new region is or how long it will take to cross. He says it could be a few months or several years for Voyager to clear it completely.

Voyager 1 is currently 11 billion miles away from Earth, or about three times the distance between Earth and Neptune. The little-spacecraft-that-could is expected to keep chugging along until 2025, when it will run out of fuel. Who knows what else it'll discover along the way, in the outer regions of our solar system and beyond. "We still have hopefully a good part of the journey left," Stone says.


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fla. man pleads guilty in $13M Facebook share case

NEW YORK (AP) -- A Florida investment adviser and onetime Oregon gubernatorial candidate cried as he pleaded guilty Tuesday in a $13 million securities fraud scheme that prosecutors say capitalized on enthusiasm for shares of Facebook and other Internet companies about to go public.

Craig L. Berkman, 71, of Odessa, Fla., entered the plea to securities fraud and wire fraud in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, agreeing to serve between eight and 10 years in prison, according to the terms of a written agreement between Berkman and prosecutors. Otherwise, he would have faced up to 40 years in prison.

Berkman, an Oregon GOP gubernatorial candidate in 1994 when he was a millionaire who had accumulated wealth by creating and selling high-tech companies, admitted that he falsely claimed to investors in December 2010 that he owned shares of Menlo Park, Calif.-based Facebook Inc., Chicago-based Groupon Inc. and Mountain View, Calif.-based LinkedIn Inc., among other companies.

"I deeply regret my actions," a sobbing Berkman told a federal magistrate judge. "I have devastated my family. I apologize to them and to all the investors, and I am very, very sorry."

Berkman, who served as Oregon's state Republican Party chairman from 1989 to 1993, said he told investors their money would be used to buy shares of companies such as Facebook before their initial public offerings even though he knew he was knowingly over-representing the number of Facebook shares he owned.

"I also engaged in fraud and deceit," he said. "I used the money invested with my companies for purposes other than purchasing pre-IPO shares of companies, as I had promised investors."

Prosecutors say he pocketed much of the $13.2 million he received from more than 120 investors during the scheme, which stretched from 2010 until his March 2013 arrest. The government says he transferred the investors' money into his personal account rather than using it to acquire shares of Facebook.

Berkman admitted in a statement he read aloud that he used "close to $6 million to pay creditors in a bankruptcy proceeding" even though he had falsely promised that the source of the funds paid was not investor funds that he controlled.

"I knew that I was not authorized to use investor funds for these purposes and I did not disclose to the investors that I used their funds for these purposes," Berkman said.

Prosecutors said he used another $4.8 million to pay off earlier investors and spent another $1.6 million on legal fees, travel and other personal expenses, including cash withdrawals.

At one point, Berkman promised that he would not challenge the way the government organized charges in his plea.

"Yes, your honor," he said. "And I want to thank the prosecution for their willingness to work with me in this matter."

According to papers filed in March by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Berkman told California investors at a 2010 hotel meeting that he had access to Facebook employees who wanted to sell their shares of Facebook prior to the initial public offering. The SEC said Berkman promised investors he had access to shares worth millions of dollars.

"Through various misrepresentations, Craig Berkman enticed investors with highly coveted investment opportunities, and then swindled them out of millions of dollars, using much of it for his personal benefit," U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a release after the plea.

Berkman remains jailed pending a sentencing hearing scheduled for Oct. 1. He also will face restitution of $8.4 million and must forfeit $13.2 million, according to his agreement with the government.

The SEC in March recounted Berkman's past financial issues, saying the Oregon Division of Finance and Securities issued a cease-and-desist order and $50,000 fine against him in 2001 for offering and selling convertible promissory notes without a brokerage license to Oregon residents.

It said an Oregon jury in June 2008 found Berkman liable in a private action for breach of fiduciary duty, conversion of investor funds, and misrepresentation to investors arising from Berkman's involvement with a series of purported venture capital funds known as Synectic Ventures. The court entered a $28 million judgment against him.

In March 2009, Synectic filed an involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition against Berkman in Florida for his unpaid debts arising from the 2008 court judgment, the SEC said. The parties to the bankruptcy proceeding reached a settlement with Berkman, it added.


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

YC-Backed Sponsorfied Becomes Partnered, Launches Platform For Brands To Find The Best Partnerships

pop-waterSponsorfied, a Y Combinator alum from last summer, is re-branding itself as Partnered to help brands choose the best partnerships with artists and other creative endeavors. The company’s CEO Baldwin Cunningham says the old name, which centered around sponsorships, was too limiting. “In addition to people just saying our name wrong, the next generation of these relationships aren’t going to feel like a one-way street,” Cunningham said. “With sponsorships, people are expecting things for free. But with partnerships, brands and actors have to mutually benefit each other.” With the new name, they’re launching two new sets of tools for brands to manage their partnership requests. Partnered DIRECT is a curated service where Partnered will recommend opportunities to support creative cultural events and projects. Cunningham compares it to a flash sales model for possible brand sponsorships. The other new product is called Partnered MANAGE, where brands can replace all of their messy paperwork with a simple dashboard to evaluate possible sponsorships. “One of the biggest problems for brands is handling communication with sponsorship requests. Usually, they’re getting them through e-mail or even physical proposals that are sent to a P.O. box,” he said. “What we’re doing with Partnered MANAGE is allowing them to have a standardized process.” He said that some companies like American Airlines were receiving as many as 300 requests per week, so that created a messy flow of PDFs and spreadsheets that these companies usually have to manage. The startup, which has raised funding from investors including Mike Rothenberg, Dave McClure, Shervin Pishevar, and Gary Vaynerchuk, has kept quiet for the last six to eight months while building the new services. Cunningham says the company has set up sponsorships in the past with brands like Samsung supporting Instagrammers like Ike Edeani, who has 360,000 followers, with trips to the SXSW Interactive conference in Austin.


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Futures rise despite downwardly revised GDP

In this Monday, June 10, 2013 photo, traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Global stock markets staged a modest recovery Wednesday, June 26, 2013 boosted by strong data releases that portray a U.S. economy on the upswing. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

In this Monday, June 10, 2013 photo, traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Global stock markets staged a modest recovery Wednesday, June 26, 2013 boosted by strong data releases that portray a U.S. economy on the upswing. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Chinese women walk past a poster displayed at a shop which is undergoing renovations in Beijing, China Wednesday, June 26, 2013. China's central bank tried Tuesday, June 25 to quell fears the country faces a credit crisis by promising to support banks that face cash shortfalls. The central bank promised "liquidity support" if needed after a shortage of money in credit markets caused the interest rate that banks must pay to borrow from each other to spike last week. That caused Chinese stock markets to plunge Monday on fears the world's second-largest economy might face a credit crisis. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

NEW YORK (AP) ? Stock futures rose Wednesday as investors shrugged off a U.S. report that showed the economy grew at a slower pace than was initially thought during the first quarter.

Most economists see the economy picking up at a faster clip during the second half of the year and economic reports this week on manufacturing, housing and consumer confidence are still providing markets with a tail wind.

Dow Jones industrial futures rose 70 points to 14,760. S&P futures added 6.6 points to 1,590.70. Nasdaq futures gained 20.25 points to 2,878.50.

The U.S. economy grew at an annual rate of 1.8 percent in the first three months of the year, dragged down by lackluster consumer spending. Many believe the culprit is higher taxes, imposed at the beginning of the year.

The Commerce Department on Wednesday revised the annual growth rate for the first quarter down from its previous estimate of a 2.4 percent.

That is still a more robust growth rate than the final quarter of 2012.

China also relieved some of the drag on global markets by making an abrupt U-turn in regard to providing commercial banks with liquidity as the central bank tightens credit.

The People's Bank of China said Monday that banks would have to monitor their cash supply and make adjustments to ensure liquidity, suggesting that it would not be actively involved.

A day later, after markets in China and across Asia plunged, the central bank said that it would act to keep credit markets functioning, if needed.

Associated Press


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Tim O'Brien wins $100,000 military writing prize

NEW YORK (AP) ? A $100,000 prize for military writing has been awarded to an author of fiction.

Tim O'Brien, known for books such as "The Things They Carried" and "In the Lake of the Woods," has received the Pritzker Military Library Literature Award.

The honor, announced Tuesday, has previously been given to acclaimed historians such as James McPherson and Rick Atkinson. O'Brien is the first fiction writer to win.

The 66-year-old O'Brien served in the Vietnam War from 1968-70 and often draws directly on his experiences as a soldier.


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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Android Gaming Console Ouya Hits Amazon, GameStop, Target ...

Ouya, an Android-based videogame console that raised $8.6 million on Kickstarter last year, is available today on Amazon and at GameStop, Target and Best Buy. Some of the people who preordered the $99 Ouya online have already received their consoles in the mail. The device connects to the TV, and can currently play more than 150 games developed specifically with the big screen in mind. To date, Ouya says more than 12,000 developers have signed up to publish games on the console?s Discover Store.


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Obama hit by Snowden setbacks with China, Russia

Aeroflot flight SU150 sits at the tarmac of the Jose Marti international airport after arriving from Moscow to Havana, Cuba, Monday, June 24, 2013. Confusion over the whereabouts of National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden grew on Monday after SU150 Aeroflot flight filled with journalists trying to track him down flew from Moscow to Cuba with the empty seat booked in his name.(AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)

Aeroflot flight SU150 sits at the tarmac of the Jose Marti international airport after arriving from Moscow to Havana, Cuba, Monday, June 24, 2013. Confusion over the whereabouts of National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden grew on Monday after SU150 Aeroflot flight filled with journalists trying to track him down flew from Moscow to Cuba with the empty seat booked in his name.(AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)

Aeroflot flight SU150 sits at the tarmac of the Jose Marti international airport after arriving from Moscow to Havana, Cuba, Monday, June 24, 2013. Confusion over the whereabouts of National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden grew on Monday after SU150 Aeroflot flight filled with journalists trying to track him down flew from Moscow to Cuba with the empty seat booked in his name. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)

White House press secretary Jay Carney pauses during the daily press briefing at the White House in Washington, Monday, June 24, 2013. Carney said the U.S. assumes that Edward Snowden is now in Russia and that the White House now expects Russian authorities to look at all the options available to them to expel Snowden to face charges in the U.S. for releasing secret surveillance information . (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Graphic shows the geographical career path and recent travels of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden; 3c x 5 inches; 146 mm x 127 mm;

WASHINGTON (AP) ? For President Barack Obama, National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden's globe-trotting evasion of U.S. authorities has dealt a startling setback to efforts to strengthen ties with China and raised the prospect of worsening tensions with Russia.

Indeed, Russia's foreign minister on Tuesday called U.S. demands for Snowden's extradition "ungrounded and unacceptable."

Relations with both China and Russia have been at the forefront of Obama's foreign policy agenda this month, underscoring the intertwined interests among these uneasy partners. Obama met just last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the Group of Eight summit in Northern Ireland and held an unusual two-day summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping in California earlier this month.

Obama has made no known phone calls to Xi since Snowden surfaced in Hong Kong earlier this month, nor has he talked to Putin since Snowden arrived in Russia.

Former Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif., said it wasn't clear that Obama's "charm offensive" with Xi and Putin would matter much on this issue. The U.S. has "very little leverage," she said, given the broad array of issues on which the Obama administration needs Chinese and Russian cooperation.

"This isn't happening in a vacuum, and obviously China and Russia know that," said Harman, who now runs the Woodrow Wilson International Center.

Both the U.S. and China had hailed the Obama-Xi summit as a fresh start to a complex relationship, with the leaders building personal bonds during an hour-long walk through the grounds of the Sunnylands estate. But any easing of tensions appeared to vanish Monday following China's apparent flouting of U.S. demands that Snowden be returned from semi-autonomous Hong Kong to face espionage charges.

White House spokesman Jay Carney, in unusually harsh language, said China had "unquestionably" damaged its relationship with Washington.

"The Chinese have emphasized the importance of building mutual trust," Carney said. "We think that they have dealt that effort a serious setback. If we cannot count on them to honor their legal extradition obligations, then there is a problem."

A similar problem may be looming with Russia, where Snowden arrived Sunday. He had been expected to leave Moscow for a third country, but the White House said Monday it believed the former government contractor was still in Russia.

While the U.S. does not have an extradition treaty with Russia, the White House publicly prodded the Kremlin to send Snowden back to the U.S., while officials privately negotiated with their Russian counterparts.

"We are expecting the Russians to examine the options available to them to expel Mr. Snowden for his return to the United States," Carney said.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday bluntly rejected the U.S. request, saying Snowden hasn't crossed the Russian border. He angrily lashed out at the U.S. for warnings of negative consequences if Moscow fails to comply.

"We consider the attempts to accuse Russia of violation of U.S. laws and even some sort of conspiracy, which on top of all that are accompanied by threats, as absolutely ungrounded and unacceptable," Lavrov said.

The U.S. has deep economic ties with China and needs the Asian power's help in persuading North Korea to end its nuclear provocations. The Obama administration also needs Russia's cooperation in ending the bloodshed in Syria and reducing nuclear stockpiles held by the former Cold War foes.

Members of Congress so far have focused their anger on China and Russia, not on Obama's inability to get either country to abide by U.S. demands. However, Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said in an interview with CNN on Monday that he was starting to wonder why the president hasn't been "more forceful in dealing with foreign leaders."

Sen. John McCain, who lost to Obama in the 2008 presidential election, echoed that concern on Tuesday, telling CNN that "we've got to start dealing with Vladimir Putin for what he is."

The Arizona Republican called Putin "an old KGB colonel apparatchik" who disdains democracy and said that Putin "continues to stick his thumb in our eye."

"When you show the world you're leading from behind, these are the consequences," McCain said.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton echoed the White House's frustration with China. "That kind of action is not only detrimental to the U.S.-China relationship but it sets a bad precedent that could unravel the intricate international agreements about how countries respect the laws ? and particularly the extradition treaties," the possible 2016 presidential contender told an audience in Los Angeles.

Snowden fled to Hong Kong after seizing highly classified documents disclosing U.S. surveillance programs that collect vast amounts of U.S. phone and Internet records. He shared the information with The Guardian and Washington Post newspapers. He also told the South China Morning Post that "the NSA does all kinds of things like hack Chinese cellphone companies to steal all of your SMS data." SMS, or short messaging service, generally means text messaging.

Snowden still has perhaps more than 200 sensitive documents, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said over the weekend.

Hong Kong, a former British colony with a degree of autonomy from mainland China, has an extradition treaty with the U.S. Officials in Hong Kong said a formal U.S. extradition request did not fully comply with its laws, a claim the Justice Department disputes.

The White House made clear it believes the final decision to let Snowden leave for Russia was made by Chinese officials in Beijing.

Russia's ultimate response to U.S. pressure remains unclear. Putin could still agree to return Snowden to the U.S. But he may also let him stay in Russia or head elsewhere, perhaps to Ecuador or Venezuela ? both options certain to earn the ire of the White House.

Fiona Hill, a Russia expert at the Washington-based Brookings Institution, said she expected Putin to take advantage of a "golden opportunity" to publicly defy the White House.

"This is one of those opportunities to score points against the United States that I would be surprised if Russia passed up," Hill said.


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Associated Press


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China-Britain currency swap to boost market confidence ... - Capital Tv

RMBLONDON, Jun 23 ? The agreement of a sterling/renminbi (RMB, or Chinese yuan) swap arrangement between the Bank of England (BoE) and the People?s Bank of China (PBoC) is a very positive step that highlights the importance of the internationalisation of the RMB to London, Policy Chairman of the City of London Corporation Mark Boleat said on Sunday.

The agreement will give greater confidence to market participants, boost the already strong growth of London?s RMB business volumes and support mutually beneficial trade and investment between our two countries, said Boleat.

Both countries? central banks have signed an agreement to establish a reciprocal 3-year sterling/renminbi currency swap line, with the maximum value of 200 billion Chinese yuan/20 billion pounds, according to an announcement on the BoE?s website on Saturday night.

Boleat told Xinhua that the agreement gives confidence to the market for its official support and for the liquidity.

?What we?ve seen in the past two years is the massive increase in the use of RMB to finance the international trade, and that has always been our major priority. It is easier for businesses who trading with China if they can trade in RMB rather than converting it into dollar and then into sterling,? Boleat said.

Import and export RMB financing totaled 33.6 billion yuan (5.4 billion U.S. dollars) last year, up by 100 percent compared with 2011, and the volume of Letters of Credit and other loan guarantees grew 13 times to 4.7 billion yuan, according to a report released by City of London earlier this month.

?The RMB has been already a very important currency, and since I was last time in China the year before, the trend towards internationalization has been accelerated. We expect the RMB to be traded in London as the other major currencies are in the future,? Boleat said.

Referring to the RMB pool held in London, Boleat said the capital pool in London is still quite small, as the RMB deposit, investment and bond issuance has not grown as rapidly as the trade financing vehicles.

?But I am sure in longer term, we would see a much bigger pool of RMB held in London, we are going to see many more investments whether directly into china, or into fund dominated in RMB,? added Boleat.


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Monday, June 24, 2013

A New Echolocation Algorithm Can Map Spaces Based on Sound Alone

A New Echolocation Algorithm Can Map Spaces Based on Sound Alone

There?s plenty of precedent for echolocation in the natural world: bats can navigate based on the echo of their chirrups; and blind humans, at least anecdotally, sometimes develop remarkable sound-based spatial skills. But using sound to accurately map a space in three dimensions? That?s new.

This week, scientists at the ?cole Polytechnique F?d?rale, in Lausanne, in Switzerland, published a study showing how a newly-developed algorithm uses sound to measure the dimensions of a space. Their system only requires four standard microphones?placed anywhere in any space?and a sound as small as a finger snap to generate a model. It?s a bit like the spatial triangulation used by 3D scanners?except this system uses sound, rather than light. A PhD student at EPFL named Ivan Dokmani? explains:

?Each microphone picks up the direct sound from the source, as well as the echoes arriving from various walls. The algorithm then compares the signal from each microphone. The infinitesimal lags that appear in the signals are used to calculate not only the distance between the microphones, but also the distance from each microphone to the walls and the sound source.?

The group began by testing the system in a six-sided room, but went on to accurately map part of the ornate Lausanne Cathedral, the 900-year-old church in the heart of city. The study?which appeared in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences?only presents the team?s initial research, which they plan to continue with over the next few years.

But that hasn?t stopped the team from speculating about how the technology could be applied. According to Dokmani?, architects could eventually use the algorithm to get accurate measurements of a particular building or site. Likewise, acoustical engineers could use it to create amphitheaters whose shapes are based on an ideal sound. There are also plenty of more world-changing uses: 911 operators could determine what type of room a caller is in. At the same time, as with all powerful technology, it's possible to imagine this kind of system being used for more sinister purposes. Either way, it?s a fascinating piece of research?check out the report here. [GizMag]

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Facebook hole exposed 6M users' data?


June 21, 2013 at 6:38 PM ET

Facebook security


Facebook's security blog Friday posted details of a recent information leak that affected as many as 6 million users. It's also in the process of emailing users hit by the bug to let them know about it.

The problem was with Facebook's "download my information" tool, which as the name suggests allows you to download the data the social network has related to you: posts, contacts, pictures and so on.

The tool downloads the emails and phone numbers of people you are in touch with ? and in about 6 million cases, emails and phone numbers provided privately by those people were accidentally included with the rest of the public information to individuals.

Say you provided your personal email address to Facebook privately to, say, check if your Gmail contacts are on Facebook, but someone you know found you via your phone number. If that person used the download tool, it would have included not just the number they already had for you, but your email address as well.

Facebook says every instance it has detected of the bug only resulted in that info being downloaded once or twice. So while extra contact data from about 6 million users was in fact shared, it wasn't shared together via a big database, but rather just a piece at a time ? and each piece of data was only downloaded inadvertently by someone users knew, not by a hacker.

Facebook's team writes that there is "no evidence that this bug has been exploited maliciously," and the download tool was disabled and fixed as soon as the problem was detected.

A Facebook spokesman told NBC News that the social network had no complaints and it wasn't obvious the bug existed, since someone downloading that contact info wasn't likely to care about or even notice one extra email or phone number. Facebook said it found out about the bug through its White Hat program.

Still, the incident is "something we're upset and embarrassed by, and we'll work doubly hard to make sure nothing like this happens again," the social network said on its blog. Facebook also said it has "already notified our regulators in the US, Canada and Europe" about the issue.

The disclosure comes two weeks after reports that Facebook and other Internet giants, including Google, Apple, Microsoft and Yahoo, have given the National Security Agency access to Americans' email and other personal information that is transmitted on various online services. It's a charge that Facebook and the other companies have denied.

Separately, Facebook settled with the Federal Trade Commission last summer to resolve charges that the social network previously exposed details about its users' lives without getting the required legal consent. Part of that settlement calls for Facebook to have a regular, independent audit of its privacy practices. In April, Facebook said the most recent audit found Facebook's privacy practices to be sufficient.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is


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Israeli killed by guard at Jewish holy site in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A security guard shot and killed a Jewish Israeli man on Friday at one of Judaism's holiest sites in Jerusalem, the Western Wall, which was immediately shut to visitors, police said.

The guard opened fire after the man, in an adjacent restroom, was heard shouting "Allahu Akbar," Arabic for "God is greatest", police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.

Rosenfeld said the guard opened fire with his pistol because he suspected the man was a Palestinian militant. The victim turned out to be an Israeli Jew in his 40s.

"The fact he shouted Allahu Akbar, that seems to be why the security guard drew his weapon and fired a number of shots at him," he said.

"We are looking into what (the dead man's)... motives were," Rosenfeld added.

The incident occurred as hundreds gathered for prayer in one of Jerusalem's most sensitive areas. The Western Wall is one of Judaism's holiest sites, where thousands worship each week.

The plaza where the wall is located is next to the Temple Mount, revered by Jews as the place where two biblical temples stood, and the site of Islam's third holiest mosque, al-Aqsa.

(Writing by Allyn Fisher-Ilan; Editing by John Stonestreet)


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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Shoe designer Christian Louboutin brings red soles and more to Toronto exhibit

TORONTO - The signature splash of red colouring the soles of his famed footwear creations has helped Christian Louboutin earn instant recognition for his works and a unique foothold in the style world.

"It was to be faithful to one of my designs where the shoes, where everything was in colour ? including the soles," Louboutin said of his trademark touch in an interview at Holt Renfrew's flagship downtown location prior to an in-store appearance.

"It was also very beautiful when a shoe was black and just the colour of the sole (was visible), so it gives it a better definition of the shape of the shoe and the heel."

The famed French footwear designer is offering a window into his creative process and an up-close glimpse of some his memorable works with a special exhibition making its North American debut in Toronto.

After earning record attendance at the Design Museum in London, the exhibition has made the voyage across the Atlantic to the Design Exchange. The Toronto design museum will house the retrospective, which features more than 250 shoes as well as sketches and personal artifacts from the designer.

"Christian's shoes are known the world over for their amazingly innovative design and very distinctive glossy red sole. But I wanted to understand more about the designer behind the famous shoes," said Donna Loveday, head of curatorial at the Design Museum, London, during a press conference with Louboutin in Toronto this week.

"It's an amazing story to tell."

The exhibition chronicles the designer's career and well-known creations through a display of various themes showcasing key influences and inspirations.

A brightly lit carousel near the entryway to the exhibit offers a novel, whimsical platform to feature shoes inspired by love of travel and showcasing images of the designer's experiences abroad. A section of the exhibition is also devoted to shoes Louboutin created for the 2007 "Fetish" exhibition produced in collaboration with acclaimed artist and filmmaker David Lynch.

Visitors will be able to see the step-by-step process of constructing a spider boot, and they'll also be able to view an accurate to-scale recreation of the designer's working atelier in Paris.

There seems to be no colour too vibrant or adornment too avant garde for Louboutin. Towering heels within an arm's reach on display are adorned with everything from tufts of fur and wispy feathers to metallic studs, shimmering stones and lush ribbons. Stylish yet slightly more casual offerings like plaid-patterned flats, embroidered high tops and leopard-print laceups were also showcased in the colourful exhibition.

"My relationship with shoes has always been linked to shoes, women, women in their shoes and performance," Louboutin said, wearing a pair of his own studded cranberry-coloured slip-ons.

"That's really what I wanted to do. I never wanted to design clothes. I never wanted to work for the fashion industry," he added. "Shoes sort of belong to the fashion industry which is why I'm part of the fashion industry. But that's never been my thought. My thought since I was a child was really to design those shoes for girls on stage."

Louboutin's first job at age 17 was at the famed Parisian music hall Folies Bergere. He recalled observing the careful movements by the showgirls as they manoeuvred up and down the stairs ? all without looking at the steps themselves.

"First, the power and importance of shoes and the posture. No one like showgirls shows it better, that's for sure," recalled the 49-year-old.

In a year, Louboutin said he'll be starting a full cosmetics line. With his exhibition now open to the public, the designer has released Christian Louboutin's Little Red Booklet of Toronto, a compilation of attractions, events, dining establishments and more which will be posted on the Christian Louboutin Facebook page.

Despite a busy schedule during his Canadian visit, Louboutin relished the opportunity to meet with fans of his work, many of whom had lined up for hours in advance.

"It's a very big compliment," he said. "Sometimes people are flying to come to a place and they still thank me because they've been waiting and I've been there for often hours. And I always say: 'Thank you for coming because I'm there because you're there.'"

The Christian Louboutin exhibition at the Design Exchange runs until Sept. 15.




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News in Brief: Satellite captures Earth's greenery

Orbiting camera detects reflected light to determine extent of vegetation

By Cristy Gelling

Web edition: June 21, 2013

Click here to view larger image NASA, NOAA

A new instrument onboard the NASA?NOAA Suomi satellite has been capturing exquisitely detailed views of seasonal and environmental shifts in plant cover. Light sensors on the satellite identify vegetation by detecting differences in reflected amounts of visible light, which plants absorb for photosynthesis, and near-infrared light, which plants don?t absorb. Subtle changes in greenness can give advance warning of drought or fire conditions. Meteorologists can also use data on vegetation dynamics to improve weather prediction.


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Turkish military says helicopter attacked

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) ? Turkey's military says a helicopter carrying two commanders came under attack in the country's mainly Kurdish region but that it escaped the area safely and no one was hurt.

A brief military statement said Friday that "terrorists" had fired four shots at the military transport helicopter in Hakkari province, near Turkey's border with Iraq, a day earlier.

Kurdish rebels fighting for autonomy in the region target the military in attacks, but the group declared a cease-fire in March and is withdrawing fighters from Turkey as part of a peace deal. There was no immediate comment from the rebel group on the attack.

The military statement said a bullet hit a front cargo window and was lodged into a control box but the aircraft landed safety at a base in Hakkari.


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Mexico tequila market in China: drunk with promise

FILE - In this Aug. 28, 2006 file photo, a shot of aged Tequila Herradura with a lemon and salt fixings sit on a bar in front of bottles of white and aged Tequila Herradura in Mexico City, Mexico. Agave farmers see the expansion of China?s middle class as their ticket to more sales. (AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills, File)

FILE - In this Aug. 28, 2006 file photo, a shot of aged Tequila Herradura with a lemon and salt fixings sit on a bar in front of bottles of white and aged Tequila Herradura in Mexico City, Mexico. Agave farmers see the expansion of China?s middle class as their ticket to more sales. (AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills, File)

In this Oct. 5, 2004 file photo, a 3 year-old "blue agave" plant, the prime material for the production of Tequila, grows in a Casa Cuervo agave field near the town of Tequila, Mexico. Since China's President Xi Jinping and Mexico?s Enrique Pena Nieto broke a diplomatic and economic chill and agreed to boost trade in 2013, Mexico's tequila producers have been gearing up to make the world?s most populous country their second-biggest market, after the margarita-loving United States. (AP Photo/Guillermo Arias, File)

(AP) ? Mexico wants China to loosen up and have a little tequila. Actually, lots of it.

Since China President Xi Jinping and Mexico's Enrique Pena Nieto broke a diplomatic and economic chill and agreed to boost trade, tequila producers have been gearing up to make the world's most populous country their second-biggest market, after the margarita-loving United States.

The drink synonymous with Mexico already is available in more than 100 countries. But export of the alcoholic beverage to China has been limited by legal and sanitary restrictions.

Chinese authorities changed their rules last week, deciding that the purest and best tequila, known as blue agave, has no detrimental health effects. That has opened the door for businesses in both countries to begin promoting and exploring ways to sell more tequila.

With the purchasing power of 1.3 billion Chinese, tequila producers see a niche market, especially among the emerging upper class.

"The potential of this industry is that in five years, we can reach 10 million liters in exports," said Ramon Gonzalez, director of Mexico's tequila promotion council. "Today's new rich are in China."

Until the change by health authorities last week, the Chinese couldn't drink the good stuff made famous by swilling cowboys in many a western on the big screen.

Because of restrictions on methanol per liter of alcohol, China had only allowed the import of lower quality tequila made with 51 percent agave sugar, the rest of the sugar a mix from other plants. The methanol content in blue agave tequila was considered too high.

Mexico exports a total of 43.7 millions of gallons (165.7 million liters) of tequila, with 80 percent of the bottles going to the United States. Little more than 108,000 gallons (410,250 liters) go to China. Mexico in the past wasn't that interested in exporting its lower-quality tequila, said Mexican Agriculture Secretary Enrique Martinez, who announced the change by Chinese health authorities on Tuesday.

"I'm convinced that we're going to be very successful," said Martinez, who led a trade delegation to China last week to help speed export of $1 billion dollars in Mexican goods over the next year. "It's a Mexican product that will conquer the preferences of Chinese consumers."

Former President of Mexico Felipe Calderon indicated in 2010 that the Chinese were willing to lift their restrictions and allow import of 100 percent blue agave tequila. But when Calderon left office last year, that still had not happened and relations had cooled after his meeting with exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama.

During Xi's visit to Mexico earlier this month, the countries agreed to try to level their trade imbalance, which favors China 10 to 1.

The two presidents ? and especially the first ladies ? hit it off, spending the better part of three days together and visiting the Maya ruins of Chichen Itza. They made tequila and pork priorities for increasing Mexican exports to China.

The Asian country's economy is forecast to slow some this year, but at 7.75 percent growth, it remains robust by all standards.

China's ruling Communist Party is trying to reduce the country's reliance on exports and investment and nurture more self-sustaining growth based on domestic consumption. That includes trying to encourage more consumer spending on restaurants, a key driver of liquor sales.

"It is expected that the introduction of Mexican-produced tequila in the food service sector will see an initial spark in demand because of its relative novelty," said Christopher Shanahan, food and agricultural program manager for Frost & Sullivan, a U.S. marketing analysis firm, in written comments to The Associated Press.

Still, tequila producers may run into the Chinese policy of doing whatever it takes to protect national products from foreign competition, Shanahan said.

In other words, they should take the promise of an open market for tequila with a lime and pinch of salt.

So far, that's not fazing Mexican tequila producers.

"We are well-armed to enter the market, withstand the competition and stay there," said Francisco Alcaraz, international director of Tequila Patron. The company, dedicated almost entirely to exports, already has markets in Singapore and Japan. It produced close to 5 million gallons (18 million of liters) of tequila in 2012 and exported 99.5 percent of it.

Tequila Patron's marketing executives are already studying China's culture to determine the best approach for selling tequila there.

"We hire people there to look at their customs, culture, gastronomy, to see how they pair their meals to bring out the best tasting experience," said David Rodriguez, production director based in Jalisco state, the agave heartland.

Beer is by far the most popular alcoholic beverage in China, which accounts for more than half of global consumption

For distilled spirits, the most popular are versions of baijiu, an eye-wateringly strong traditional Chinese spirit. Cognac and whisky together represent around 90 percent of imported liquors, followed by vodka.

In Mexico, people sip tequila from shot glasses, sometimes with a chaser of tomato-based juice called sangrita. Some drink it with lime or mix it with grapefruit soda. In Japan, people drink tequila on the rocks or mix it with berries to make fruity cocktails, Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez said will take about two years to know if tequila will catch on in China.

"The Asian markets are seeking to westernize when it comes to prestigious brands, the brands consumers aspire to," he said.


Associated Press writer Joe McDonald in Beijing contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Friday, June 21, 2013

How to Transfer Contacts to iPhone to Mac

FROM: BroRuby

DATE: Jun. 20, 2013 1:17 am gmt

SUBJECT: How to Transfer Contacts to iPhone to Mac
KEYWORDS: transfer iPhone to computer, transfer contacts from iPhone to computer, transfer iPhone contacts to

How to transfer iPhone contacts to computer without iTunes?
Hi, I have an iPhone 5 and I use Exchange server account to sync my iPhone contacts with Google. I would also like to transfer my iPhone contacts to my computer (as a sort of an offline backup copy). I would rather not to use iTunes sync as it already deleted my old iPhone contacts once when I tried to transfer them to my Windows XP computer. How is that possible?

transfer contacts from iPhone to computer

In fact, there are two ways to transfer iPhone contacts. One is transfer iPhone contacts from Google, and the other is transfer contacts from iPhone to computer. Here are the details:

Way one. Transfer iPhone contacts from Google (gmail)

You can quickly export your Gmail Contacts list into a CSV file. Here's how:

1 Sign in to Gmail.
2 Click Gmail at the top-left corner of your Gmail page, then choose Contacts.
3 From the More actions drop-down menu, select Export....
4 Choose whether to export all contacts or only one group.
5 Select the format in which you'd like to export your contacts' information. Please note, some of these formats can lose some contact information.
-- To transfer contacts between Google accounts, use the Google CSV format. This is the recommended way to back up your Google Contacts.
-- To transfer contacts to Outlook, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail, or various other apps, use the Outlook CSV format.
-- To transfer contacts to Apple Address Book, use the vCard format.
6 Click Export.
7 Choose Save to Disk then click OK.
8 Select a location to save your file, and click OK.

Way two. Transfer iPhone to computer

iPhone Data Recovery not only is a recovery tool but also can transfer iPhone data to computer. Here I will introduce how to use iPhone data recovery program to transfer iPhone contacts in a few words.

Firstly, download iPhone Data Recovery and install in your computer. There are two modes for you to transfer iPhone data. Transfer contacts to computer from iPhone backup and transfer iPhone contacts to PC without back. I will introduce the first mode below.

# Launch iPhone tool and the program will identify your backup files automatically.
# Choosing the backup files of you, click ?Start Scan? to scan all the contacts on your iPhone.
# Preview the scan files after the scanning.
# The last step is check the contacts you need to transfer to computer, click ?Recover?.

For Mac users, you can transfer iPhone contacts to Mac by using iPhone Data Recovery for Mac versions.

Source: How to transfer iPhone contacts to computer

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Read more?about iPhone transfer:
How to transfer photos from iPhone to computer
Transfer photos from iPhone to computer
Transfer photos from iPhone to PC


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America's businesses are growing. The web is helping. - GoogleBig

Michael Edlavitch was a middle school math teacher in Minnesota when he started a website with free math games to engage his students. With free online tools, a passion for math and an initial investment of just $10 to register his domain, was born. Eventually Michael?s website became popular with more than just his students. So Michael gave Google AdSense a try as a way to earn money by placing ads next to his content. As word spread and traffic grew, the revenue generated from his site allowed Michael to devote himself full time to Hooda Math. Today, has more than 350 educational games and has had more than 100 million unique visitors to the site. Beyond building a business for himself, Michael is helping students everywhere learn math while having fun.

Over in New York, Roberto Gil designs and builds children?s furniture?loft beds, bunk beds and entire custom rooms. Casa Kids? furniture is custom designed for the family to grow along with the child. Roberto works out of his Brooklyn workshop and doesn?t sell to large furniture stores, which means the Casa Kids website is an essential tool for him to connect with potential customers. To grow even further, Roberto began using AdWords in 2010. In the first few months traffic to his site went up 30 percent. Today, two-thirds of his new customers come from Google. Meet Roberto and learn more about how he?s making the web work for Casa Kids:

These are just two examples of how the web is working for American businesses. According to a McKinsey study, small businesses that make use of the web are growing twice as fast as those that aren?t on the web. That?s because the web is where we go for information and inspiration?from math games to practice over the summer to someone to design and build that perfect bunk bed for your kids. Ninety-seven percent of American Internet users look online for local products and services. Whether we?re on our smartphones, tablets or computers, the web helps us find what we?re looking for.

Here at Google, we see firsthand how the web is helping American businesses grow and thrive. Through our search and advertising programs, businesses like Casa Kids find customers, publishers like Hooda Math earn money from their content, and nonprofits solicit donations and volunteers. These tools are how we make money, and they?re how millions of other U.S. businesses do, too.

In 2012, Google?s search and advertising tools helped provide $94 billion of economic activity for more than 1.9 million American businesses?advertisers, publishers and nonprofits. This represents a 17 percent increase from 2011. Check out the impact made in each state, along with stories of local businesses using the web to grow.

Whether it?s building skills or building furniture, Google helps to build businesses. We?re thrilled to be part of such a vibrant industry and are committed to continuing to help make the web work for people and businesses everywhere.

Posted by Allan Thygesen, Vice President, Global SMB Sales



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Bluebird Bio shares rocket higher in trading debut

NEW YORK (AP) -- Shares of gene therapy developer Bluebird Bio Inc. surged in their trading debut.

Its shares climbed $9.91, or 58.3 percent, to close at $26.91 Wednesday after trading as high as $27 earlier in the session.

The company's initial public offering of 5.94 million shares had been priced Tuesday at $17 per share, above its initial expectations of $14 to $16 per share.

That raised $101 million before underwriting costs and other expenses.

Bluebird is developing gene therapies for severe genetic and very rare diseases.

The underwriters of the IPO have the option to buy another 891,000 shares of the Cambridge, Mass., company over the next month.


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