Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Doctor Warns of the Hidden Danger of Touchscreens

What are you talking about? Good on you for having great health.

Meanwhile plenty of geeks suffer from computer-related health problems. The most common up to now has been carpal tunnel or repetitive stress syndrome.

One trip to a REAL doctor and you'll find that CTS, really doesn't
exist for people that use computers, correctly.

I can give you the number to a real Dr, if you'd like to talk to him.

I'm sure he would have loved to make the money from the surgery
on my ex-wife's wrist. Instead, he said... adjust your chair height
to where your arm, at 45 degree extension, will have your radius/ulna
parallel and about an inch above the desk surface. Buy a gel pad
for the kb and the mouse and you'll be fine in a few months.

And she was.

I had the same thing... absolutely crippling pain from the base of
my palm, all the way thru my shoulder-blade. I raised my seat,
maybe an inch. Gone in months.

If you have your chair at the wrong height... put too much weight
on your wrists when you type and mouse... you will get symptoms
that appear to be CTS and RSD... but aren't. CT scan will prove it.

Myth, busted.



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