Wednesday, February 22, 2012

An Unhappy Marriage isn't the End of the World

If you are having marital problems, you don?t need an expert to tell you so. You are in it. But what you may need is help sorting out those problems to determine if they are fixable or not. All marriages have their share of problems but if you remember, your vows say for better or worse. To determine, if these problems are solvable, you will need both willing participants. Too often, couples drift apart because of lack of communication. Once the communication is gone, it is easier to avoid the issue and thus the problems seem to become overwhelming.

Being in an unhappy marriage may seem like the end of the world but hope is on the horizon. First, you must decide if you want to work through the marital problems. If you are not willing to throw in the towel just yet, there are many ways to sort through and solve the problems of your marriage.

Identify the Problem

In order for a problem to be fixed you must first identify its cause. Speak with your partner about how you are feeling. He or she may not realize problems exist. Never cast blame, instead, state how you are feeling.

Explain how you used to feel and how you feel now. This says to your spouse that you liked something they were doing before and want that feeling back rather than, saying they are doing something wrong. Likewise, be willing and open for your spouse to explain why something may be different.

Of course, if a spouse is doing something blatantly against the marriage (like having an affair) this could be best handled with the help of a professional.

Love and Communication

A marriage with a strong love base will overcome most anything. If both partners have love and respect for one another, the marriage can be saved. In fact, the marriage in many cases becomes better.

Is it Time to Move On?

It takes two to make a marriage go right. One willing spouse is not enough. There comes a time when you must move on after you?ve tried your best. There is no shame in being happy and some couples are just better apart.


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