Sunday, June 19, 2011

Do brain surgeries usually go well? | Brain Tumor Blog

Do brain surgeries usually go well?

Posted by blinky doodles
you need to trust the doctor on this one. they aren?t going to cut into someone in that way unless they have to or think it is the best thing.

My thoughts are with you but when times are tough it gives me comfort to think about how lucky we are to live with modern medicine. imagine even fifty years ago what would have happened, let alone 100 years!

Posted by april
What you are stating here is not really making a lot of sense. Generally people don?t get different types of cancer; it?s not like an infection that eventually goes away. If she had one type of cancer, then all her other cancers were the same cancer, just spread. It?s called metastasizing and now it?s spread to her brain. It seems if drs were concerned she?d be paralyzed, they would do chemo or radiation first to shrink the tumor size. Most people who have brain tumors excised, aren?t paralyzed afterwards.
My brain surgery went very well, as did others I?ve met that have also had brain cancer.

Posted by Ian?s Mommy (Sam)
It varies on a lot of different factors. I had brain surgery in Dec of 09 for a GBM?in the hospital on the 19th..out the 23rd. We then did radiation, chemo, so on and so on and now onto other treatments with chemo?.brain surgery varies?.I didn?t have complications from surgery, but radiation and chemo have kicked my ass. It?s a lot of hard work, but I?ve met several brain cancer survivors?.I?ve met people with problems and those without.

Posted by JJ
Brain surgeries, of course, vary from person to person and depend a lot on the location. I have had 3 brain surgeries. The first caused a few painful side effects, but I healed quickly and was playing sports in a month. The second was more of a major surgery. Recovery was slow, but I returned to ?normal? in a couple months. The third surgery formed an infection that was harder to fight than healing from the surgery! So, the surgeries are all unique and cause different side effects, but the good news is that most brain surgeries are not rare and that (in general) major complications like paralyzation are very abnormal.

Posted by LYNN in FL (suspended @#*%)
I assume the tumor is right sided since its going to effect the left. Do you know the exact location? Has there been a biopsy to determine the type tumor? Is it mets from another primary cancer site?

My boyfriend?s mom was diagnosed with brain cancer and her surgery is this week. They?re taking out the brain tumor and said that it is possible that the whole left side of her body will be paralyzed. Do brain surgeries usually go well and do you think she?ll heal from the surgery without any complications? She?s had different types of cancer before and has made it through it all. She?s very strong.

Hi,I did the following:

Street Healing Miracle with Joel Jackson

The first young man I prayed for in the video was a young man I spotted sitting down at the skate park with a wrist brace on. I asked him if I could pray for his wrist and he agreed after a short while. His friends were kind of weirded out but Jesus ended up healing him anyways. The second guy I prayed for was a man who appeared to be homeless. I called him over because I saw his wrist was wrapped too. I prayed for his wrist and Jesus healed it. He also mentioned that he had brain tumor surgery and still had a knot on his head due to complications with the surgery. I prayed for him and his knot got smaller. Jesus loved on him and he said he felt lighter. I told him to turn away from alcoholism and every other sin as well.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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