Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cancer Information ? meat consumption and cancer risk factors ...


breast cancer, frequent consumption of meat, especially red meat is associated with an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer.24, 25 of the total fatty acids and saturated fats the much higher than in animal products tend to increase in plant foods and refined sugars attached all risk of colon cancer. At Harvard University, researchers began to zero in more red meat, the recognition that people eat beef, pork, lamb or a day which is three times the risk of colon cancer, compared with people who avoid the rule that such products. 25.26 A review of 32 case-control and cohort studies 13 concluded that meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer remains consistent with the association found with red meat and processed meat.12 And recently in the published in the Cancer Prevention Study II, followed by 148 610 adults in 1982, the group had the highest consumption of red meat and processed meat from 30 to 40 percent and 50 percent higher risk of colon cancer, compared with those with less intakes.27 In this study, high consumption of red meat to 3 ounces of beef, lamb or pork for men and 2 ounces a day for women, the amount set in a typical burger. High consumption of processed meats (ham, salami, sausage, bacon, sausage) was defined as 1 oz of 5 or 6 times per week for men and 2 or 3 times per week for women consume the amount in a slice of ham. In addition, previous studies have indicated that this white processed meats, especially poultry, have about a threefold increased risk of colon cancer, compared with vegetarians.28

secondary bile acids are probably a part of the problem. In order to absorb fat, the liver produces bile, which is stored in the gallbladder. After a meal, the gallbladder sends the bile acids into the intestine, which is chemically modified fat consumed, so that they can be absorbed. Unfortunately, in turn, the bacteria in the intestine secondary bile acids in these cancer-promoting substances called bile acids. Meat not only contain a significant amount of fat;. They also promote the growth of bacteria to form secondary bile acids cause cancer

cooking methods, which are to promote the formation of HCA probably play important role in colorectal cancer risk. A case-control study in North Carolina that the consumption of cooked meat per level, cooking method and the estimated intake of HCAs in 620 patients with colorectal cancer and 1038 controls analyzed, found that not only consumption red meat was positively associated with colon cancer risk, but roast was also the most risky form of meat due to high HCA formation.29 confirmation of the relationship between meat and colon cancer risk has been taken into the preparation of the review mentioned above, whereby the high frying temperature was nearly twice the risk of colon cancer and rectal cancer risk by 60 percent.12 p> http:/ / / survival / cancer_facts / meat.php


Filed: Breast Cancer
tags: cancer, consumption, factors, Information, meat, part, Risk


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