Thursday, September 22, 2011

Travel Insurance, Medical Insurance, Insurance Plans, Insurance ...

Y??r vacation ?? coming up; ?t?s ?ll ?? exciting ??? ??n hardly sit still. Passports found ?nd checked, flights booked ?nd confirmed, hotels selected ?nd reservations m?d?, clothes chosen ?nd packed, travelers cheques ??r?h???d, arrangements m?d? f?r friends t? feed th? dog ?nd check ???r house.

I? th?r? anything ??? h??? forgotten? Wh?t ?b??t Travel Insurance? Oh sure, Travel Insurance, th?t?s d?ll stuff, d? ??? really need th?t? Y???ve never lost a bag ?nd ??? h??? a g??d feeling ?b??t things, th?r? ?? n? need f?r Travel Insurance.

WRONG! Th?r? ?? a very d?f?n?t? need f?r Travel Insurance ?nd th? need ?? much greater f?r Canadians th?n f?r many ?th?r people ?nd ??t many travelers ?r? very casual ?b??t obtaining ?t.

Travel Insurance covers many eventualities. If ???r flight ?? cancelled ?nd ??? ?r? stranded ?r ?f ???r bag ?? missing ?nd ??? ?r? ?n a ?tr?ng? ?l??? without even a toothbrush, th? insurance w?ll h?l? t? defray ???r expenses.

Th???, h?w???r, ?r? n?t th? m??t ?m??rt?nt ?r expensive eventualities th?t ?r? covered. Th? m??t ?m??rt?nt ?? Health Care Insurance f?r wh?l? ??? ?r? out ?f th? country. British travelers ?r? more casual ?b??t purchasing th?? type ?f insurance th?n ?r? Americans ?r Europeans. Th? NHS, w?th ?ll ?t? faults, ?? always th?r? f?r ??? ?nd many people rarely th?nk ?b??t private Health Insurance. Th?? ?? spite ?f th? fact th?t ???r NHS coverage ?? ?f n? h?l? wh?n ??? ?r? out ?f th? country.

Th? concept ?f th? ?uninsured patient? ?? n?t ??rt ?f th? British, Canadian, Australian ?r N?w Zealand experience. N??th?r ?? th? phenomenon ?f patients being turned away fr?m hospitals ?? th?? h??? n? insurance ?r ??nn?t document th??r coverage. B?t ?f ??? ?r? taken ill ?r injured ?n a foreign country ?nd ??? d? n?t h??? travel insurance ??? ?r? ?n uninsured patient ?nd m?? h??? tr??bl? getting care.

Robert Jackson w?? looking forward t? h?? visit t? South East Asia. H? spent several months ?l?nn?ng h?? trip. Reading th? history ?f th? countries th?t h? w??ld visit ?nd ?r??t?ng a demanding schedule f?r himself. H? w?? ?l?nn?ng t? travel t? th? less visited areas ?n Northern Thailand ?nd visit ?? many ?f th? holy sites ?? h? ???ld cram ?nt? h??


schedule. H? h?d n?t h?d ?n? serious illness f?r several years ?nd h?? Family Doctor ?nd th? local NHS hospital h?d taken care ?f ?ll h?? minor Health problems. H? d?d n?t obtain ?n? travel insurance.

H? h?d many plans b?t n?t ?l?nn?ng ?n visiting th? Intensive Care Unit ?f a Bangkok Hospital, h? w?? n?t ?l?nn?ng ?n spending over forty-eight hours unconscious, h? w?? n?t ?l?nn?ng ?n multiple surgeries, n??th?r w?? h? ?l?nn?ng ?n intensive rehabilitation, b?t th?t ?? ???t wh?t h? g?t.

In spite ?f th? fact th?t h? w?? n?t t?? agile ?nd h?d never ridden a motor-bike ?n over ten years, h? d???d?d t? rent a motor bike ?nd ride around th? back roads ?n Thailand. A truck th?t h? w?? following t?? closely suddenly braked. Robert flew through th? air ?nd landed ?n h?? face ?n th? road. Fortunately h? w?? transported ?nt? th? city quickly ?nd brought t? th? Bangkok Hospital Medical Center, a tertiary care JCI Accredited facility. A? h? w?? unconscious h? w?? admitted t? th? Neurological Intensive Care unit. H?? family w?? contacted ?nd consent f?r treatment obtained. Th?? w?r? n?t aware ?f Robert h?d ?n? private Health Insurance ?nd w?r? reluctant t? guarantee payment f?r th? care. In spite ?f th?? h? received ????ll?nt care ?nd ?? now ?n h?? way t? full recovery ?ft?r multiple surgeries f?r h?? facial fr??t?r?? ?nd skin grafting t? ?th?r wounds. H? w?? obliged t? take out a considerable bank loan t? cover h?? care.

Melanie Albert w?? working ?? a volunteer ?n a children?s care home ?n Cambodia. Aft?r eating a very spicy dinner one evening ?h? ?t?rt?d t? h??? abdominal pain. Thinking ?t w?? indigestion ?h? initially ignored th? pain b?t b? th? following morning realized th?t th?? m?ght b? something more serious th?n ?n upset stomach. Sh? h?d n?t obtained ?n? insurance wh?n ?h? left Canada ?nd naively th??ght th?t th? province w??ld cover h?r medical expenses wh?l? out ?f th? country. Aft?r b??n seen ?n th? clinic ?h? w?? flown t? Bangkok. A diagnosis ?f Appendicitis w?? m?d? ?nd ?h? h?d ?n operation ?n th? same day. H?r family came out fr?m Canada ?nd w?r? ?bl? t? h??? funds transferred t? cover th? cost ?f h?r care.

Sh? w?? particularly fortunate ?? ?h? w?? ?bl? t? g?t t? Bangkok ?n a commercial flight. If ?h? h?d needed t? h??? a special air-ambulance th? cost w??ld h??? b??n enormous. One ?f th? features th?t ?? always included ?n Travel Insurance ?? Evacuation Insurance, th?? covers th? cost ?f ??? being transported t? a g??d medical center close t? ???r accident ?r wh?r? ??? w?r? taken ill.

It ?l?? covers th? expense ?f getting ??? home ?ft?r treatment h?? reached th?t point th?t ??? ?r? ready t? travel. Recently another British patient needed t? b? transported back t? Canada ?ft?r Surgery ?nd Intensive Care treatment f?r a collapsed lung wh??h

happened quite spontaneously ?nd without warning. H? needed a nurse ?nd a doctor t? travel w?th h?m ?? h? w?? taking anti-coagulants ?nd th?r? w?? th? possibility th?t h? m?ght need extra oxygen ?n th? flight. H? w?? flown fr?m Bangkok t? London; h? traveled Business class w?th h?? two attendants. Luckily h? h?d g??d coverage f?r th?? very expensive journey.

Th??? three patients w?r? ?ll fit young people w?th n? previous medical illnesses wh? h?d n? reason t? believe th?t th?? w??ld need hospital care during th??r vacation. Th?t ?? th? whole point ?b??t Insurance ?t ?? th?r? t? h?l? ??? wh?n th? unexpected happens.

Travel Insurance ?? surprisingly inexpensive ?nd f?r a young person m?? b? ?? l?ttl? ?? f?r a three week vacation. I w??ld suggest ??r?h??? th?? before ??? leave home. Th? Information Center insurer provides ??n b? very useful t? ???, ?? th?? w?ll b? ?bl? ??? t? th? best Medical facility wherever ??? ?r? ?n th? world. Whatever insurance ??? h???, keep th? details ?f th? policy center number w?th ???, ?n ???r person, ?t ?ll times. I hope ??? h??? a wonderful trip ?nd d? n?t need ?n? medical b?t ?t ?? best t? ?l?n f?r ?ll eventualities.

Dr Michael Moreton trained ?? ?n Obstetrician ?nd Gynecologist ?n Montreal, Canada. H? practised ?n Ottawa, th?n ?n Beijing ?nd Shanghai. H? ?? th? International Medical Coordinator ?t th? Bangkok Hospital Medical Center. Bangkok, Thailand.

Article fr?m

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Wednesday, September 21st, 2011 at 3:26 PM


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