Monday, September 5, 2011

News And Society ? Easier Information ? Blog Archive ? Who Are ...

Posted on September 2, 2011, 4:51 pm, by admin.


According to statistics, there are about 50 million sociopaths in the world today. In America, it is estimated that about 12 million is most likely to show sociopathic behavior. The numbers are quite alarming if you think about it and you won?t even know that the person beside you or the people you meet in the bus stop is one because they are just like normal regular people until they start doing what they are famous for, deceit.

Sociopathy means behaving in a manner without conscience ? sociopath For Philippe Pinel, sociopathy is like madness without confusion of mind. It means that these people behave in a crazy manner but cannot be diagnosed as mentally ill. The prevailing cause is usually environmental than genetics. Sociopaths are usually abused (physically and sexually), deprived and was not able to socialize when he or she was a child. It becomes even more apparent when it is coupled with bad parenting and increased divorce rates.

These people are very hard to spot among us because how of well they can blend in even for the keen observant would have a hard time. They are like great actors; they can play with any emotion and draw anyone in with their charms. These people use deceitful ways to gain favor and will do anything regardless of the consequences as long as they can achieve what they wanted. They are also poor empathizers and would resort to physical force when they don?t get what they wanted. They are all about the control.

Society has a preconceive notion on sociopaths. For most people, sociopaths are the criminals locked up in prison. This is true but only to a certain extent because sociopaths can be the person beside you even if they do not have such criminal intent towards you. These people are about manipulation and taking control in order to gain an upper hand even if it means destruction to others and society. In a relationship, the partner is usually unhappy and miserable because sociopaths are unable to relinquish any control to the partner and they would do anything to maintain that control.

Many sites and blogs offer information about sociopaths and even offer advice on how to spot them and what not. They even have tests that would help you determine if you are prone to becoming one. But for psychiatrists, a good assessment is key to determine sociopathy so that proper therapy can be used. The most common therapy used for people who are sociopathic is behavioral therapy where it literally encourages the patient to change their negative behavior and not repeat it. However, these patients are not likely to change with a snap of a finger. They can get violent and very uncooperative in done wrong. Sometimes, however, to add to their therapy, doctors would give sociopaths certain drugs to help them control their emotional outbursts and actions.

Sociopaths are everywhere. We live with them every day and we don?t even know that they are there. But as mentioned in this article, this kind of behavior can be prevented by simply having a good family that raise children properly and with the right kind of discipline.

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