Saturday, July 9, 2011

Adventure Travel for the Free-Spirited Individual

Adventure tourism ?? now one ?f th? fastest growing trends ?n travel business. It ?t?rt?? w?th Leo Le Bon wh? co-founded th? world?s first adventure travel company?Mountain Tours w?th ?th?r eight travel mates. Le Bon ?n? others m??? th? first commercial journey t? th? Annapurna region ?f Nepal. S?n?? th?n, th? travel business grew rapidly resulting t? a plethora ?f travel companies th?t offer adventure vacations.

Classifying ?n adventure travel h?w???r pose a ??tt?? difficulty ?n defining wh?t exactly ?t means. Adventure travel depends ?n th? level ?f strenuousness ?f activities involved. Adventure m?? involve leisure biking ?n? hiking f?r ??m? travelers ?r ?t m?? entail base jumping ?nt? ?n underground cave ?n Mexico.

Nevertheless, a travel involves ??m? fundamental aspects t? b? classified ?? adventure. Adventure travel typically includes going t? far-flung areas, intermingling w?th various cultures, ?n? doing a physical activity.

Two categories ?f adventure travel ?r? hard ?n? soft adventures. Hard adventures fall under extreme ?n? mostly ??n??r??? sporting activity. Examples ?f hard adventures ?r? rock climbing, surfing, paragliding, ?n? scuba diving ?n remote locations. Soft adventures, ?n th? ?th?r hand, ?r? leisure activities th?t ?r? ?ft?n educational. It ???? n?t involve strenuous activity unlike hard adventures. Bird watching, religious pilgrimages ?n? architectural tours fall under soft adventures.

B?t ??? m??ht wonder wh? usually embark ?n ?n adventure travel? Travel Industry Association ?f America?s (TIA) study indicated ?n estimated 20 percent ?f adult travelers ?r? adventure tourists. It ?? ???? parallel t? Th? Wall Street Journal reporting ?n 2003 th?t revenues fr?m adventure tourism h?? skyrocketed topping th? adventure market w?th 5 million dollars.

Wh??? many studies ??? college-educated males ?n th??r 20s typically embark ?n hard adventures, ?t ?? harder t? categorize people wh? ?? f?r soft adventures. Th?? ??? baby boomers ?n? seniors significantly affect th? rise ?f number ?f soft travelers. H?w???r, adventure-seeking women h??? ???? substantially caused th? continuous growing ?f th? industry. F?r example, divorcees ages 40 ?n? 60 usually turn t? adventure travel ?? a shift ?nt? n?w lives.

In addition, adventure travels ?r? physically ?n? psychologically beneficial both men ?n? women. Physical challenges ??k? mountain climbing require both physical fitness ?n? focus. It develops muscles ?? well ?? serves ?? ?n ???????nt mental workout. Achieving difficult tasks ???? h??? build self-esteem especially f?r people ?n midlife crisis.

Th?r? ?r? several options t? wh?t kind ?f adventure travel fits a specific type ?f person. B?t ??? ?h???? determine first h?w adventurous ??? w???? ??k? t? b?. A travel agency m?? actually h??? steer ??? through th? multitude choices th?t ??? w??? face.

Sports-themed vacations ?r? well-liked f?r athletes. Examples ?f th??? ?r? baseball fantasy camps ?n? NASCAR driving schools. Safari ?? one example ?f soft adventures ??????r t? many ?f varying ages. Th?? m?? involve driving ?n? walking through th? African plains ?n? come ?nt? close contact w?th lion, leopard, elephant, rhino ?n? buffalo.

Longtime ??????r destinations ?r? th? Seven Wonders ?f World th?t include biking ?n? hiking t? th??? locales. S?m? ?f th? world wonders include pyramids ?f Egypt, expedition t? Antarctica, cultural tour ?n Japan ?n? Ethiopia, th? Gr??t Wall ?f China, ?n? Taj Mahal ?n India.

If ??? opt t? h??? ?n adventure travel h?w???r, b? sure t? b? safe ?? much ?? possible. Take note th?t adventure travel h?? inherent danger involved.

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